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Homiletics Romans 1

I just began a study of the book of Romans on my own.  It's a fascinating letter with a fascinating history.  If you've never studied it, I encourage you to do so.  If you don't know how to begin studying God's Word for yourself, I can recommend "Rick Warren's Bible Study Methods".  Those are the techniques I'm using.

Here are my homiletics for chapter 1.

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                  Rome                  Who?  Paul, Church in Rome

Paul, servant of Christ, apostle, set apart for gospel of God promised through prophets & Scriptures regarding Son, earthly descendant of David, through Spirit appointed Son of G in power by resurr: Jesus Christ our Lord.
Thru him we rec’d grace/apostleship to call Gentiles to obedience for his name; you among Gentiles called to JC; to all in Rome loved by G, grace & peace to you from G & JC.
1st, I thank G thru JC for all you, your faith reported all over; G my witness how I remember you in prayers, I pray now at last by G’s will way opened me come to you; long to see you the I impart spiritual gift, make you strong, you and I encouraged by each other’s faith.
I don’t want you to be unaware I planned many times come to you (prevented until now) the I might have harvest among you like other Gents; I obligated to Greeks & non-Greeks, wise & foolish; that’s why I eager to preach gospel to you in Rome.
I not ashamed of gospel, it is power of God brings salvation everyone who believes, 1st Jew, then Gent; in gospel righteousness of G revealed, the righteous live by faith.
Wrath of G revealed against all godlessness and wickedness of people who suppress truth by wickedness since what know about G plain to them bec G made it plain; since creation G’s invisible qualities (eternal power, divine nature)clearly seen understood from what made so people w/o excuse.
Although they knew G, they neither glorified nor gave thanks, thinking became futile, foolish hearts were darkened; they claimed to be wise, became fools, exchanged glory of G for images like human, birds, animals, reptiles.
Therefore, G gave them over sinful desires of hearts to sexual impurity for degrading bodies; exchanged truth og G for lie, worshiped/served created things rather than Creator who is forever praised.
Bec of this, G gave them over to shameful lusts, women exchanged natural sex for unnatural; men abandoned natural relations w/women, inflamed w/lust for one another, committed shameful acts, received in selves due penalty for error.
They not think it worthwhile retain knowledge of G, G gave them over to depraved mind, so they do what ought not be done; they become filled wickedness, evil, greed, depravity, envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, boastful, invent ways doing evil, disobey parents; no understanding, fidelity, love, mercy; they know those who do such deserve death, not only continue but approve of practice.

Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

Paul’s Greeting
First impressions are important for establishing relationships.
Paul’s Desire to Bring the Gospel to the Church in Rome
Thank the Lord for those to whom and with whom we minister.
Remember those to whom and with whom we minister in your prayers.
Believers should encourage each other with their faith.
Paul’s Warning Against Godlessness and Wickedness
God has made Himself known to mankind; it is up to us to decide whether to acknowledge Him and live for Him or not.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Paul shares the gospel and warnings with the Roman church.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMATK God has revealed Himself to all men and those of us who respond to His call are ministers of the gospel who should encourage godly behavior is others.



How might you introduce yourself to an audience of believers?
How would you introduce Jesus to someone who didn’t know Him?
To whom are you eager to minister?
How have you been made strong and encourage by another’s faith?
In what way have you shared your faith to encourage someone else?
How would you describe the gospel?
Which of God’s qualities have you seen through Creation?
What does Paul mean when he writes “so that people are without excuse”?
How do you glorify God and give Him thanks?
How might you pray for or minister to those who have exchanged truth for a lie?
How do you reconcile God’s goodness with Him giving people over to their sinful desires?
In what way would you respond to someone who didn’t think it worthwhile to retain knowledge of God?
What form of wickedness will you eradicate from your life this week?
How might you help or encourage someone to discontinue a life of wickedness?



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