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Homiletics Exodus 15:22-18:27

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                  Wilderness       Who?  God, Moses, Israelites, Amalekites, Joshua, Jethro, Zipporah, Gershom, Eliezer

M led Is into Desert of Shur, 3 days w/o water; Marah could not drink water – bitter; people grumbled against M: what are we to drink? M cried to L, L showed wood, threw into water, fit to drink, L test: listen, do right, pay attn, I not bring diseases, I L who heals you; Elim, 12 springs, 70 palms, camped near water.
Is Elim to Des of Sin (betw Elim/Sinai), 15th day of 2nd mo after come out E; grumbled against M&A: if only we died by L’s hand in E, sat @ pots meat/ate all wanted, you brought into des to starve; LtoM: I rain bread, people gather enough for day, I test; 6th day, they prepare twice as much.
M&AtoIs: eve you know L brought you out, morn you see glory, He heard grumbling; M: you know L when He gives meat in eve/bread in morn, you grumbling against L.
MtoA: say to Is: come before L, He heard grumbling; while A speak, they looked toward des, there glory of L in cloud; LtoM: tell them: @ twilight you eat meat/morn, bread, you know I L; eve quail covered camp, morn dew, when gone thin flakes appeared.
When Is saw: what is it? M: bread L given you; “L command take omer/person in tent”; Is did, measured, gathered just as needed; M: “no keep any until morn”; some kept, full of maggots, smell, M angry.
Ea morn gathered, sun grew hot, it melted; 6th day 2x as much leaders reported to M; “L command tomorrow holy Sabbath, bake/boil, save what left until morn; they saved, did not stink/get maggots; “Eat today (sabb), not find any; some went to gather/found none.
LtoM: how long you refuse keep comm.; L given sabb, 6th day dives bread for 2 days, 7th day no one go out; people rested 7th day; Is called bread manna, white like coriander seed, taste like wafers w/honey.
M: L comm. take omer manna keep for gen, they see bread I gave in wilder; MtoA: take jar, put omer in, place before L for gen; as L comm M, A put manna w/tablets of law; Is ate manna 40 yrs until reached Canaan; omer=1/10 ephah.
Is from Des of Sin, camped at Rephidim, no water; quarreled w/M: give us water; M: why quarrel/put L to test; people thirsty/grumbled: why make us/children/livestock die of thirst? MtoL: what I do w/people, they almost ready stone me.
L ans M: go in front, take some elders/staff; I stand before rock @ Horeb, strike rock, water come out; M did, called place Massah and Meribah bec Is quarreled/tested L.
Amalekites attacked Is @ Rephidim; MtoJosh: choose men, fight Amal; tomorrow, I on hill w/staff; J fought, MA&Hur to hill; as M held up hands, Is win, when lowered, Amal win; when hands tired, he sat, A&H held hands up till sunset; J overcame Amal Army w/sword.
LtoM: write to be remembered, make sure J hears, I blot out Amalek; M built altar called The Lord is my Banner; bec hands lifted against throne of L, L @ war against Amal gen to gen.
Jethro heard how L brought Is out; after M sent away Z, f-i-l  Jethro rec’d her & sons Gershom (foreigner in for land) & Eliezer (father’s G saved me from sword of Phar).
Jethro, sons, wife came to (M) in wilder, near mt of G; Jethro sent word I coming w/wife & sons; M went to meet f-i-l, bowed/kissed; M told everything L done to Phar/Egyptians & about hardships, how L saved; Jethro delighted: praise L, rescued you/people, I know L greater than all other gods; Jethro brought burnt offering/sacrifices, A/all elders eat w/f-i-l in God’s presence.
Next day, M to judge for people from morn till eve; f-i-l saw: what you doing, you alone judge while people around you morn till eve? M: people come seek God’s will, dispute bought, I decide, inform of God’s decrees; f-i-l: not good, you/people wear yourselves out, work too heavy cannot handle alone; you be rep before G bring disputes to him, teach decrees, show how live/behave; select men who fear G, trustworthy, hate dishonest gain, appoint as officials over 1000s, 100s, 50s, 10s; them judged, difficult case to you, simple they decide, your load lighter, they share; you able stand strain, people satisfied.
M listened f-i-l, did everything; chose capable men, they judges, difficult cases to M, M sent f-i-l  on way, Jethro ret’d to own country.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

God makes bitter water fit to drink and provides manna, meat and a day of rest to the grumbling Israelites
Grumbling is an indication of bitterness.
God is capable of removing bitterness.
When we are bitter, our recollections are faulty.
God provides for all of our needs – physical, spiritual, emotional.
God knows precise measurements of what we need and provides abundantly more than that.
God brings forth water for the grumbling Israelites at Horeb when Moses strikes the rock
Previous experiences with God should increase our trust of Him and reduce our grumbling.
Joshua overcomes the attacking Amalekite Army while Aaron and Hur hold up Moses’ hands and God commands remembrance
Our posture affects the outcome of a situation.
When we lift our hands to God, He gives us victory.
Moses’ father-in-law praises God, shares a meal with the Israelite elders and gives Moses advice to make his load lighter
We should praise God and be willing to sacrifice when we hear of His deliverance.
We should delight in news of God’s activity in the lives of our loved ones.
When we fellowship and share meals together, we are in God’s presence.
No one can do all that needs to be done if they don’t want to burn out.
Delegating tasks enables God’s servant to be effective and involves many people in His work.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

God provides water and food, Joshua fights and Moses delegates.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMATK God is the source of all provision, strength, ability and wisdom and we should regularly bring our requests to Him and acknowledge His response to us with praise and willing sacrifice.



What has grumbling done for you?
Describe an occasion when God has delivered you from bitterness.
What affect has remembering a past experience inaccurately had on your attitude, behavior and witness?
Explain how God provides for your physical, spiritual and emotional needs.
What evidence can you find in Exodus 15:22-16:36 that God provides abundantly more than what we need and how have you seen this principle manifest in your own life?
In what way has past experience with God increased your trust in Him?
How might you encourage a new believer to grow their faith in this way?
When have you experienced a change in the activity of God in your life relating to a change in your posture toward Him?
What postures might you use in relating to God?
How does your posture change your attitude toward God?
What was the last testimony you shared about your deliverance by God?
How do you praise God for your deliverance?
What sorts of sacrifices do you offer God because of His deliverance?
When was the last time you delighted in news of God’s activity in the lives of your loved ones?
How does knowing you are in God’s presence change your thinking about fellowship and sharing meals with others?
What activities do you do for the Lord?  How might you share your responsibility with others so your load is lightened and others get the privilege of serving God?

*FYI – TCMATK (in the Aim) stands for “To Cause My Audience To Know”.


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