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Homiletics Genesis 4:25-5:32

Written 6 March 2013

Contents:            Where?                  Outside Eden                   Who?  Adam, Seth, Methuselah, Enoch, Lamech, Noah

Adam and Eve had Seth in place of Abel and Seth had Enosh, then men began calling on the name of the Lord.
God made male and female in His likeness and blessed them.
Adam fathered Seth at 130 then lived 800 years, had other children, lived 930 years then died.
Seth fathered Enosh at 105 then lived 807 years, had other children, lived 912 years then died.
Enosh fathered Kenan at 90 then lived 815 years, had other children, lived 905 years then died.
Kenan fathered Mahalalel at 70 then lived 840 years, had other children, lived 910 years then died.
Mahalalel fathered Jared at 65 then lived 830 years, had other children, lived 895 years then died.
Jared fathered Enoch at 162 then lived 800 years, had other children, lived 962 years then died.
Enoch fathered Methuselah at 65 then walked with God 300 years, had other children, lived 365 years then God took him.
Methuselah fathered Lamech at 187 then lived 782 years, had other children, lived 969 years then died.
Lamech fathered and prophesied about Noah at 182 then lived 595 years, had other children, lived 777 years then died.
Noah was 500 and fathered Shem, Ham and Japheth.



God created Adam in His likeness, Adam died to 930, Seth fathered Enosh at 105 then men began to call on the name of the Lord.
Since God created man in His likeness and Jesus is the incarnate form of God, men were created in the likeness of Christ.
God reached out to man when he formed him from dust.  Calling on the name of the Lord is one way man reaches out to God.
Enosh died at 905, Kenan died at 910, Mahalalel died at 895, Jared died at 962, Enoch fathered Methuselah at 65 and God took him at 365.
Walking with God leads to spending eternity with God.
Believers who are alive when Christ returns will be taken like Enoch was.
Methuselah died at 969, Lamech died at 777, Noah was 500 when he fathered Shem, Ham and Japheth.
Genealogy represents legacy.


Subject Sentence:

God created man who fathered nine generations to Noah.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMCATK that we can create a legacy of calling on the name of the Lord and walking with God for future generations.



Why do you think men began calling on the name of the Lord?
Under what circumstances do you call on the name of the Lord?
What do you say when you call on the name of the Lord?
What part do you think “walking with God” played in Enoch’s being taken by God?
In what way do you walk with God each day?
What sort of spiritual legacy are you leaving for your children?
What sort of legacy have your ancestors left for your children?



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