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Homiletics Genesis 4:1-24

Written 6 March 2013

Contents:            Where?                  Outside of Eden, Nod, Enoch                    Who?  Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Lamech

Adam and Eve had Cain (who tilled the ground) and Abel (a keeper of flocks).
Cain brought the Lord an offering of fruit and Abel brought firstlings of his flock and the Lord regarded Abel’s offering but not Cain’s, angering Cain.
The Lord asked why he was angry and told him to master sin, but he killed his brother Abel.
Cain denied knowing where Abel was, God said his blood cries out and cursed Cain to be a vagrant wanderer.
Punishment too much for Cain so God marked him so no one would kill him then Cain went to Nod.
Cain named the city Enoch after his wife gave birth to Enoch, who fathered Irad, who fathered Mehujael, who fathered Methushael, who fathered Lamech.
Lamech’s wife Adah had Jabal and Jubal, his wife Zillah had Tubal-cain and Naamah.
Lamech said he had killed a man and if Cain is avenged 7 times, Lamech 77 times.



The acceptability of Adam and Eve’s sons’ (Cain and Abel) sacrifices led to Cain’s anger and the murder of Abel.
Don’t compare yourself in any way to anyone else.
Our sacrifices to God must be made on His terms.
Murder is not an acceptable result of anger.
God cursed Cain to be a vagrant wanderer and marked him so no one would kill him then he went to Nod.
The Lord disciplines those He loves.
Sin has immediate and lasting consequences.
Our response to sin and its consequences can take us far from home.
Running away from our problems doesn’t remove our sin or its consequences.
Cain had Enoch, who had Irad, who had Mehujael, who had Methushael, who had Lamech, who had Jabal, Jubal, Tubal-cain and Naamah and desired to be avenged 77 times.
Our sin affects future generations.
Our response to our sin affects the future generations of our families.


Subject Sentence:

Cursed by God after killing Abel, Cain’s descendants include Lamech.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMCATK that our sinful actions are forgivable but still bring lasting consequences that affect future generations.
TCMNCATK that we cannot hide from our sin.  It must be dealt with.



What practical steps can you take to avoid comparing yourself to others?
What sacrifices do you make for God and how do you make them?
In what way have you responded acceptably to your anger?
Why do you think the Lord reserves discipline for those He loves?
What are some of the lasting consequences of sin?
From your experience, what have been the results of trying to run away from your problems?
What affect has the sin of a past generation had on later generations?
What impact might your current sinful choices have on future family members?



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