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Homiletics Matthew 25

written 27 March 2014

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                                                                Who?  Jesus

Koh likened unto 10 virgins, took lamps, to meet bridegroom; 5 wise, 5 foolish; foolish took lamps/no oil; wise took oil w/lamps.
Bridegroom tarried, they slumbered/slept; midnight – cry: behold bridegroom cometh, go meet him; virgins rose/trimmed lamps.
Foolish: give us oil, our lamps out; wise: not enough for us and you, go buy for yourselves; while they went, bridegroom came, ready went w/him to marriage & door shut.
Other virgins: Lord, open to us; he answered I know you not.
Watch, ye know neither day nor hour Son of man cometh.
Koh as man traveling, called servants, delivered them his goods; one 5 talents, another 2, another 1, according to ability, took journey.
He that rec’d 5, made 5; he that rec’d 2, gained 2; he that rec’d 1, hid money.
After long time Lord cometh; 5 talents: gained 5 talents more; well done g&f servant, thou faithful over a few things, I make you ruler over many things, enter joy of lord.
2 talents: gained 2; well done g&f servant, thou faithful over few things, I make you ruler over many things, enter joy of lord.
1 talent: kew thou hard man, reaping where not sown/gathering where not strawed; I afraid/hid talent; wicked/slothful servant, knewest I reap where sowed not/gather where I not strawed; thou oughtest put money to exchangers, I should have rec’d mine w/usury; take talent/give to 10 talents; every one that hath shall be given – abundance, him that hath not shall be taken what he hath.
Cast unprofitable servant into darkness – weeping, gnashing of teeth.
When Son come in glory, holy angels with him, he sit upon throne of glory; before him gathered all nations, he separate as shepherd divideth sheep/goats; sheep on his right, goats on left.
King to them on right: come, blessed, inherit kingdom; for I hungered, you gave meat, I thirsty, ye gave drink, I stranger, you took me in; naked, ye clothed me, sick, ye visited, in prison, ye came
Righteous answer: when; King: as ye done unto least of these, ye done unto me.
To left: depart, cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for devil/angels; I hungered, ye gave no meat, I thirsty, ye gave no drink; I stranger, ye took me not in, naked, ye clothed me not, sick/prison, ye visited not.
They answer: when saw we thee hungered/athirst/stranger/naked/sick/prison and did not minister?
Inasmuch as did not to least of these, you did not to me; these go to everlasting punishment, righteous into life eternal.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

Parable of the 10 virgins
Be watchful and prepared because you don’t know when Christ will return.
If you’re not ready for Christ’s return, you will be locked out of the wedding.
Parable of the talents
Don’t bury your talents.  Invest them and they will multiply.
Being faithful in a few things leads to reward and the joy of the Lord.
If we bury our talents rather than invest them, what we have will be taken from us and we will be cast into eternal darkness.
Dividing the sheep and the goats
When Christ comes in glory to judge, He will separate the righteous from the wicked, welcoming the righteous into the kingdom and casting the wicked into everlasting punishment.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Jesus teaches three end times parables.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMAT be prepared for the second coming of Christ as righteous servants who will be invited into the kingdom of heaven.



What action are you taking to be prepared for Christ’s return?
What have you observed as you have watched for God’s activity this week?
What are your talents and how are you investing them?
What growth have you observed in the area of the talents God has given you?
What should you do to be considered a faithful servant?
Which of the three servants do you most closely resemble?
How might you grow in your faithfulness?
On which side will you be gathered when Christ comes to judge and why do you believe that?
What action will you take today to be counted with the sheep on Christ’s right hand?



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