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Homiletics Matthew 24

written 19 March 2014

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                  Temple, Mt of Olives    Who?  Jesus, Disciples

J departed temple, D came to shew temple; J: shall not be left one stone upon another;  He sat Mt of Olives, D, privately:  when? what the sign of thy coming/end of world?
J: take heed no man deceive you; many shall come in my name/deceive many; ye hear of wars/rumours of wars, be not troubled, must come to pass, end not yet; nation shall rise against nation, kingdom v. kingdom, famines, pestilences,earthquakes; these beginning of sorrows.
They deliver you to be afflicted/kill you, ye hated for my name’s sake; many offended, betray, hate; false prophets shall rise/deceive many; because iniquity about, love wax cold; he that endure unto end shall be saved.
This gospel preached in all the world then end come; when ye see abomination of desolation, spoken by Daniel, in holy place (whoso readeth, understand:) let them in Judea flee to mts, him on housetop not come down/take anything; neither him in field return to take clothes.
Woe unto them with child and give suck; pray your flight be not in winter/on Sabbath; then be great tribulation; except those days shortened, no flesh saved.
If any man say, here is Christ or there, believe not; shall arise false Christs/false prophets, shew great signs/wonders, if possible they deceive elect.
I told you before; if they say he is in desert, go not, in secret chambers, believe not; as lightning come out of east, shineth in west, so shall coming of Son of man be.
Wheresoever carcase is, eagles gathered; immed. after trib., sun darkened, moon not give light, stars fall, powers of heavens shaken; then appear sign of Son in heaven, all tribes mourn, they see Son coming in clouds w/power/great glory; He send angels w/great sound of trumpet, they gather elect from 4 winds, one end of heaven to the other.
Learn parable of fig tree – when branch tender, putteth forth leaves, summer nigh; when ye see these things, know it is near; this generation not pass till all these fulfilled.
Heaven & earth pass away, my words not pass away; of that day/hour knoweth no man/angels, but Father only; as days of Noe so shall coming of Son be; in days before flood, they eating/drinking/marrying until Noe entered ark; knew not until flood took all away, so shall coming of Son be.
Two in field, one taken; two grinding, one taken; watch, know not what hour Lord come; if goodman known in what watch thief come, he would watched/not suffered house be broken up.
Be ready, in such hour as ye think not Son cometh; who is faithful/wise servant/ruler over household; blessed is that servant, lord find so doing; he shall make him ruler over all goods.
If evil servant say my lord delayeth; smite fellowservants/eat and drink w/drunken; lord cometh/cut him asunder, appoint his portion w/hypocrites, there be weeping/gnashing of teeth.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

J departed temple: shall not be left one stone upon another;  Mt of Olives, D:  when? what sign of thy coming/end of world?  J: many shall come in my name/deceive many; ye hear of wars/rumours of wars, be not troubled, end not yet; nation shall rise against nation, kingdom v. kingdom, famines, pestilences, earthquakes = beginning of sorrows; They deliver you to be afflicted/kill you, ye hated for my name’s sake; many offended, betray, hate; false prophets shall rise/deceive many; because iniquity about, love wax cold; he that endure unto end shall be saved;  gospel preached in all the world then end come; when ye see abomination of desolation, spoken by Daniel, in holy place (understand:) let them in Judea flee to mts, him on housetop not come down/take anything; neither him in field return to take clothes;  Woe them with child/give suck; pray flight not in winter/on Sabbath; then great tribulation; except those days shortened, no flesh saved.
Know God, His Word and His Son so you will not be deceived.
As iniquity increases and love turns cold, believers will still be known by their love.
If any man say, here is Christ or there, believe not; shall arise false Christs/false prophets, shew great signs/wonders, if possible they deceive elect; if they say he is in desert, go not, in secret chambers, believe not; as lightning come out of east, shineth in west, so shall coming of Son of man be; Wheresoever carcase is, eagles gathered; immed. after trib., sun darkened, moon not give light, stars fall, powers of heavens shaken; then appear sign of Son, all tribes mourn/see Son coming in clouds w/power/great glory; He send angels w/sound of trumpet, they gather elect from 4 winds, one end of heaven to the other; Learn parable of fig tree – when branch tender, putteth forth leaves, summer nigh; when ye see these things, know it is near; this generation not pass till fulfilled.
Don’t be deceived by false Christs and prophets regardless of the signs and wonders they perform, Christ won’t reappear on the earth until after the tribulation.
Heaven & earth pass away, my words not; of that day/hour knoweth Father only; as days of Noe so shall coming of Son be; before flood, they eating/drinking/marrying until Noe entered ark; knew not until flood took all away, so shall coming of Son be; Two in field, one taken; two grinding, one taken; watch, know not hour Lord come; if goodman known what watch thief come, he would watched/not suffered house be broken up; Be ready, in such hour as ye think not Son cometh; who is faithful/wise servant/ruler over household; blessed is that servant, lord find so doing; he shall make him ruler over all goods; If evil servant say my lord delayeth; smite fellowservants/eat and drink w/drunken; lord cometh/cut him asunder, appoint his portion w/hypocrites, there be weeping/gnashing of teeth.
To be a prepared, watchful servant who receives eternal life with Jesus is to be diligent in following Christ, not lazy, abusive or foolhardy.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Jesus talks temple destruction and the end of the world.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMAT become watchful servants who know the Lord through study of His Word so they will not be deceived, and to be obedient to His commands to love Him and others.



What have you learned about Christ that will keep you from being deceived by false Christs?
What can and will you do to prevent your love of others from turning cold as iniquity increases?
Who are the elect and how might false Christs deceive them?
How will you prepare yourself and others not to be deceived by false Christs?
In what ways are you a prepared and watchful servant of Christ?
What action will you take to become a better prepared and more watchful servant of Christ?
How might you encourage others to become prepared and watchful servants of Christ?



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