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Homiletics Matthew 16

written 22 January 2014

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                Coasts of Magdala & Caesarea Philippi  Who?  Jesus, Pharisees, Sadducees, Disciples, Peter

Pharisees/Sadducees came, desired sign; J: when evening, ye say will be fair weather for sky red - in morning, foul weather for sky red/lowring – hypocrites, ye discern sky but not signs of times - Wicked/adulterous generation seeketh sign, no sign given but sign of Jonas and He departed.
When D come other side, forgotten bread; J: beware leaven Phar/Sadd; they reasoned because we taken no bread.
J: ye of little faith, why reason ye because no bread, remember 5 loaves of 5000/how many baskets ye took up, 7 loaves of 4000/how many baskets ye took up?
How ye not understand I spake not concerning bread; then understood they beware doctrine Phar/Sadd.
J came Caesarea Philippi: whom men say I Son of man am; they: some John the Baptist, some Elias, others Jeremias or prophets; J: whom say ye I am.
P: Christ, Son of living God; J: blessed thou Simon, flesh/blood not revealed but my Father; thou art Peter, upon this rock I build church, gates of hell not prevail against it; I give thee keys to kingdom, whatsoever thou bind on earth/bound in heaven, whatsoever thou loose on earth/loosed in heaven.
Charged D tell no man he Christ; began shew D He must go Jerusalem, suffer, be killed and raised third day; P: this shall not be; J: get behind me Satan, thou art offense, thou savourest not things of God but of men.
J: if any man come after me, deny himself, take up cross, follow me; whosoever will save life shall lose it, whosoever lose life for my sake shall find it; what profited if he gain whole world/lose soul, what shall man exchange for soul?
Son of man shall come in glory of Father w/angels, reward man according to works; verily some standing here shall not taste death till they see Son of man coming in kingdom.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

Phar/Sadd desired sign; J: hypocrites, ye discern sky but not signs of times - Wicked/adulterous generation seeketh sign, no sign given but sign of Jonas, He departed; When D come, forgotten bread; J: beware leaven Phar/Sadd; they reasoned because  no bread; J: ye of little faith, why reason ye because no bread, remember 5 loaves/5000/baskets ye took up, 7 loaves/4000/baskets ye took up; How ye not understand I spake not concerning bread; then understood they beware doctrine Phar/Sadd.
Those who truly belong to God will not require signs for they will be able to discern the signs of the times.
Beware the doctrine of man.
J: whom men say I am; John the Baptist/Elias/Jeremias/prophets; J: whom say ye I am; P: Christ; J: flesh/blood not revealed but Father; upon this rock I build church; I give thee keys to kingdom, whatsoever thou bind on earth/bound in heaven, whatsoever thou loose on earth/loosed in heaven; tell no man he Christ; began shew He must go Jerusalem, suffer, be killed, raised third day; P: this shall not be; J: get behind me Satan, thou savourest not things of God but men; J: if come after me, deny himself, take up cross, follow me; whosoever will save life shall lose it, whosoever lose life for my sake shall find it; what profited if he gain whole world/lose soul, what shall man exchange for soul.
Knowing that Jesus is Christ is a blessing revealed by our Heavenly Father, not by men of flesh and blood.
Jesus would build the church upon Peter’s declaration that He was the Christ.
After His identity was revealed to at least Peter, Jesus began preparing them for what was to come.
When we are passionate about the things of men rather than the things of God, we are behaving just like Satan.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMAT be exposed to the identity of Jesus Christ and examine themselves thoroughly to determine their belief about Him.



Are you still requesting signs from God or are you able to discern the signs of the times?
In what way have you seen this wicked and adulteress generation request a sign?
What doctrines of men do you know of that have nothing to do with the truth of God?
How might you help another Bible student to understand the teachings of Jesus?
Whom do you say Jesus is and how do you live to show evidence of your belief?
Why might Jesus have responded to Peter as He did when Peter protested Christ’s future suffering?
How have you denied yourself, taken up your cross and followed Jesus?
What does it mean to lose your life for Jesus’ sake?



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