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Homiletics Matthew 15

written 15 January 2014

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                Jerusalem, Tyre, Sidon, Magdala              Who? Scribes, Pharisees, Jesus, disciples, Peter, Canaanite woman, multitude

To J, scribes/Pharisees: why disciples transgress tradition, wash not hands; J: why ye transgress commandment of God by tradition, commanded: honor father/mother – ye honor not father/mother; made commandment of none effect by tradition.
Esaias prophesy of you: draweth nigh with mouth, honoreth me w/lips, heart far from me; in vain they worship me, teaching commandments of men.
J to multitude: hear/understand – not goeth into mouth defileth, that which cometh out defileth man.
Disciples to J: Pharisees offended; J: every plant heavenly Father not planted rooted up; let them alone – blind leaders of blind, both fall into ditch.
Peter: declare this parable; J: are ye w/o understanding, whatever entereth mouth goeth belly/is cast out; things out of mouth come from heart – evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies, these defile, to eat w/unwashen hands defileth not.
J to Tyre/Sidon, woman of Canaan:  mercy, daughter vexed w/devil; he answered not, disciples: send her away; J: I not sent but unto lost sheep of Israel, she worshipped: help me; J: not meet to take children’s bread/cast to dogs; she: truth, yet dogs eat crumbs from master’s table; J: great faith, be it as thou wilt; daughter whole from that hour.
J unto sea of Galilee, up mountain, sat; multitudes came with lame, blind, dumb, maimed, others – He healed; when they saw, they glorified God.
J called disciples: I have compassion on multitudes, with me three days, nothing to eat, will not send away fasting lest they faint; D: whence we have so much bread to fill multitude: J: how many loaves; D: 7 and a few little fishes.
J commanded multitude: sit; took loaves/fishes, gave thanks, brake, gave to disciples, disciples to multitude; all eat/were filled; took up 7 baskets full; they that did eat were 4000 men beside women/children.
J sent away multitude, took ship, came into Magdala.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

To J, scribes/Pharisees: why disciples transgress tradition, wash not hands; J: why ye transgress commandment of God by tradition – honor not father/mother; Esaias prophesy of you: draweth nigh with mouth, honoreth w/lips, heart far from me; in vain they worship me, teaching commandments of men; J to multitude: hear/understand – that which cometh out defileth man; D: Pharisees offended; J: every plant heavenly Father not planted rooted up; let them alone – blind leaders of blind, both fall into ditch; J: things out of mouth come from heart – evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies, these defile, to eat w/unwashen hands defileth not.
The traditions of men are worthless compared to the commandments of God.
The condition of our heart is revealed by our words.
J to Tyre/Sidon, woman of Canaan:  mercy, daughter vexed w/devil; he answered not, disciples: send her away; J: I not sent but unto lost sheep of Israel, she worshipped: help me; J: not meet to take children’s bread/cast to dogs; she: truth, yet dogs eat crumbs from master’s table; J: great faith, be it as thou wilt; daughter whole from that hour.
Jesus already knows all, so don’t make excuses to get what you want from Him.
Great faith is evidenced by humility (and persistence?), not arrogance.
J unto sea of Galilee, up mountain, sat; multitudes came with lame, blind, dumb, maimed, others – He healed; they glorified God; J: I have compassion on multitudes, with me three days, nothing to eat, will not send away fasting lest they faint, how many loaves; D: 7 and a few little fishes; J commanded multitude: sit; took loaves/fishes, gave thanks, brake, gave to disciples, disciples to multitude; all eat/were filled; took up 7 baskets full; they that did eat were 4000 men beside women/children; J sent away multitude, took ship, came into Magdala.
Jesus won’t send us away hungry – spiritually or physically.
Jesus involves His disciples in the activity of His miraculous provision.
After meeting the needs – and exceeding the expectations of the crowd – Jesus sends those who seek Him out away.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Jesus teaches about defilement, rewards great faith and feeds 4000+.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMATK that what they say is an indication of the condition of their heart, that He rewards great faith and meets all of our needs while He exceeds our expectations.



In what ways are you more like the scribes and Pharisees, concerned more with man’s traditions than God’s commands?
Why might someone (including the scribes and Pharisees) be more concerned with man’s traditions than God’s commands?
How do you respond when you are convicted of wrongdoing by God’s Word or His Spirit?
Who are you following and why?
What testimony do your words give about the condition of your heart?
How have you persisted in making requests to God?
When have you attempted to bargain with God or justify your behavior before Him and how did that work out for you?
How is the Canaanite woman’s persistence a show of great faith?
In what way has your faith been rewarded?
How do you resemble Christ in the area of caring for the needs of others?
When have you given the little bit you have to the Lord and He multiplied it miraculously?
What is Christ giving to you that He’s asking you to give to others?



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