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Homiletics Matthew 14

written 8 January 2014

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                  (Jerusalem?)  Gennesaret         Who?  Herod, Herodias, (Salome), John the Baptist, Jesus, disciples, multitude, Peter

Herod heard of Jesus, said this=John Baptist, risen – mighty works shew forth in him
John bound, prison for Herodias’ sake (bro Philip’s wife); John said not lawful to have her; would’ve put to death /feared multitude – they counted him as prophet.
Herod’s b’day, daughter of Herodius danced/pleased Herod, he promised whatever she ask: instructed by mother, said: John Baptist’s head in charger.
King sorry, for oath/them which sat with him, he commanded, beheaded John, brought to damsel, she brought to mother, disciples came, took body, buried, told Jesus.
Jesus heard, departed by ship into desert place, people heard/followed on foot; Jesus saw multitude/moved with compassion, healed.
Evening, disciples: send multitude away – they go buy victuals; Jesus: give ye them to eat; disciples: 5 loaves, 2 fish; Jesus: bring them.
J command multitude sit, took loaves/fish, looked up to heaven, blessed, brake, gave to disciples, disciples to multitude, all eat/filled; fragments – 12 baskets; 5000 men beside women/children.
Straightaway J: disciples get into ship, go other side, he sent multitudes away, went up mountain to pray; evening, he alone, ship in midst of sea, tossed w/waves, wind contrary.
4th watch, J went to them walking on sea, disciples saw, were troubled: it is a spirit; they cried out for fear; J: be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid.
P: Lord, bid me come on water; J: come; Peter came out, walked, when he saw wind boisterous, afraid, beginning to sink: Lord, save me.
Immed., J stretched hand, caught him: thou of little faith, wherefore thou doubt?
When they come to ship, wind ceased; they in ship worshipped: thou art the Son of God.
Came into Gennesaret, when men of that place had knowledge of him, sent out, brought diseased; besought they might touch hem of garment, as many as touched were made perfectly whole.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

Herod heard of Jesus: John Baptist, risen; John prison for Herodias, said not lawful to have her; would’ve put to death /feared multitude; b’day, daughter of Herodius danced, he promised/she ask: instructed by mother: John Baptist’s head; King sorry/beheaded John, brought to damsel/mother, disciples came, took body, buried, told Jesus.
Don’t make promises you shouldn’t keep.
Don’t take action for appearance’s sake.
Beware of the company you keep.
Jesus heard, departed/people followed; Jesus, moved with compassion, healed; Evening, disciples: send multitude away; Jesus: give ye them to eat; disciples: 5 loaves, 2 fish; Jesus: bring them; J command multitude sit, took loaves/fish, blessed, brake, gave to disciples, disciples to multitude, all eat/filled; fragments – 12 baskets; 5000 men beside women/children.
Jesus is compassionate and giving.
Jesus can do amazing miracles with limited supplies.
J: disciples go other side, he sent multitudes away, went to pray; evening, he alone, ship in midst of sea, tossed w/waves, wind; 4th watch, J walking on sea, disciples saw, were troubled/cried out for fear; J: be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid; P: Lord, bid me come on water; J: come; Peter came out, walked, saw wind/afraid, beginning to sink: Lord, save me; J caught him: thou of little faith, wherefore thou doubt; when they come to ship, wind ceased; they in ship worshipped: thou art the Son of God.
Prayer is important.
Jesus is with His people in the most turbulent of storms.
When we are afraid, we should cry out to Jesus.
When we are with Jesus, we should be of good cheer, not afraid, regardless of the circumstances.
Jesus empowers His people to do incredible things!
Keep your eyes focused upon Jesus, not your circumstances, or you may succumb to your fear rather than walking in His power!
Came into Gennesaret, when men had knowledge of him, brought diseased; besought they might touch hem of garment, as many as touched made perfectly whole.
When people learn of Jesus, they seek His healing.
The slightest touch from Jesus changes lives, making us perfectly whole.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Herod beheaded John, Jesus fed 5000, Peter walked on water.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMATK Jesus’ compassion, power and ability to do a lot with a little, making them willing to be used for His divine purpose.



What promises have you made and regretted later that you honored simply because you made the promise or didn’t want to disappoint people who were watching you?
What action have you taken when you realized that the people you surrounded yourself with were not the best choice of friends or acquaintances?
How have you experienced Jesus’ generosity and compassion?
In what way have you seen Jesus do the extraordinary with limited resources?
How have/will you made prayer a regular part of your day?
What storms has Jesus accompanied you through and how did He remove your fear?
What incredible things has Jesus empowered you to do?
When have you kept your eyes focused upon Jesus in the midst of the storm, and what were the results?
When have you taken your eyes off Jesus to focus on the storm, and what were the results?
When you first learned of Jesus, what did you seek from Him?
How has Jesus made you “perfectly whole”?



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