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Homiletics Matthew 13:1-30, 36-43

written 4 December 2013

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                By sea                  Who? Jesus, Disciples, Crowd

Same day, Jesus went out/sat by sea; multitudes gathered, He went into ship/sat, multitude stood on shore; He spake many parables: sower went to sow; some fell by way side – fowls devoured; some fell stony places/not much earth – sprung up because no deepness of earth; when sun up, scorched because no root, withered.
Some fell among thorns, thorns sprung up/choked; other fell on good ground, brought fruit some hundredfold/sixtyfold/thirtyfold; who hath ears, let him hear.
Disciples: why speak to them in parables?  J: bec. Given to you to know mysteries of koh, to them not given; whosoever hath, shall be given, he have abundance; whosoever hath not, from him taken that he hath; I speak in parables bec. They see/hear not, neither understand.
fulfilled Esaias: by hearing ye shall hear/not understand, by seeing ye shall see/not perceive; this people’s heart waxed gross, ears dull, eyes closed, lest @ any time they see, hear, understand, be converted, and I heal them.
Blessed your eyes – they see, your ears – they hear; verily: many prophets/righteous desired see which ye see & have not and to hear which ye hear & have not; hear ye therefore parable of sower.
When hear word of kingdom/understand not, then come wicked & catch away which was sown – this which rec’d seed by way side; stony places – hear word/receive w/joy, hath not root, dureth a while, when trib/persecution arise, he offended.
Thorns – hear word, care of world/deceit of riches choke word – he become unfruitful; good ground – hear/understand/bear fruit (hundredfold, sixty, thirty).
Another parable: koh like man sowed good seed; while man slept, enemy sowed tares among wheat; when sprung up/brought fruit, tares appeared; servants: thou sow good seed, whence hath tares? Man: enemy done this; servants: we gather them? Man: nay, lest while ye gather tares ye uproot wheat; let grow together until harvest, then reapers gather tares and burn/gather wheat into my barn.
J sent mult away, went in house, D: declare us parable of tares in field; J: he that sow good seed = Son of man; field = world; good seed = children of kingdom; tares = children of wicked one; enemy that sow them = devil; harvest = end of world; reapers = angels.
Tares gathered/burned in end of world; Son of man send angels – gather out of kingdom things that offend/do iniquity & cast them into furnace – wailing/gnashing of teeth; then righteous shine as sun in kingdom of Father; who hath ears, let him hear.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

J spake parables: sower – seed fell by way side, stony ground, among thorns, good ground; J speak parables because given to Disciples to know mysteries of koh, fulfilled Esaias: people’s heart waxed gross, ears dull, eyes closed; When hear word of kingdom/understand not, wicked catch away which was sown – this seed by way side; stony places – hear word/receive w/joy, hath not root, when trib/persecution arise, he offended; Thorns – hear word, care of world/deceit of riches choke word – he unfruitful; good ground – hear/understand/bear fruit (hundredfold, sixty, thirty).
Jesus teaches in parables because they reveal the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven, and that wisdom is not for the common man, but reserved for God’s people.
The “average” person (a worldly man) will not understand the mysteries of the kingdom because his heart, ears and eyes are incapable of processing this wisdom that is spiritual.
13:24-30, 36-43
Another parable: man sowed good seed, enemy sowed tares among wheat; servants: whence hath tares? Man: enemy; servants: we gather them? Man: nay, lest ye gather tares/ uproot wheat; let grow together until harvest, then reapers gather tares and burn/gather wheat into my barn; J sent mult away, D: declare us parable of tares in field; J: he that sow good seed = Son of man; field = world; good seed = children of kingdom; tares = children of wicked one; enemy that sow them = devil; harvest = end of world; reapers = angels; Tares gathered/burned – end of world; Son of man send angels – gather things that offend/do iniquity & cast into furnace – wailing/gnashing of teeth; then righteous shine as sun in kingdom of Father; who hath ears, let him hear.
There are children of the wicked one among those who belong to Christ and they will remain with us until the harvest at the end of time otherwise we might also be uprooted.
God’s children are still capable of growth and fruitfulness in spite of their close proximity to children of the wicked one.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Jesus spoke the parables of the sower and the tares.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMAT seek out the wisdom in Scripture that is reserved for God’s people and apply that wisdom to their lives so they will be fruitful for the kingdom of heaven in spite of the close proximity to children of the wicked one.



What are parables?
Why does Jesus teach in parables?
How would you apply the parable of the sower to your own life?
How might you pray for others to whom you are witnessing in light of this parable?
How might you, as a fruitful wheat plant, resist the tares that are planted around you?
What sort of opposition have you encountered from tares?
What is going to happen to the wheat and the tares at the end of the world?
What does Jesus mean when He says: “he who hath ears, let him hear”?



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