Glory Days
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Thomas Nelson God has a Promised Land for you to claim.
Maybe you're feeling a little stuck. Caught in a rut. You're fighting the same battles and facing the same temptations. You're wondering, is this as good as the Christian life gets?
There's good news. You were made for more. You were made for Glory Days.
In God's plan, in God's land, you win more often than you lose, forgive as quickly as you are offended, and give as abundantly as you receive. You may stumble, but you will not collapse. You may struggle, but you'll defy despair. You will enjoy abundant fruit and increasing faith.
With God's help you can close the gap between the person you are and the person you want to be.
These days are Glory Days.
Your past is past,
your future is bright,
God's promises are true and
his Word is sure.
With God as your helper,
you will be all he wants you to be,
do all he wants you to do,
and receive all he wants you to receive.
These days are Glory Days.
More than 120 million readers have been inspired by the words of Max Lucado. He lives with his wife, Denalyn, and their mischievous mutt, Andy, in San Antonio, Texas, where he serves the people of Oak Hills Church.
You were made for the Glory Days. Sign-up to review upcoming book from @MaxLucado with @litfuse
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Here is my review of this incredibly encouraging read: First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Max Lucado and his publisher for sending me a copy of "Glory Days" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me. “Glory Days” is the latest engaging and potentially life-changing read by Max Lucado. We’ve all taken our laps around the desert on our way to the Promised Land after being rescued from the bondage of sin. Life in the wilderness can get you down, but Lucado encourages with this book on Promised Land living based on the Scriptural text of the book of Joshua.
Covering topics including Inheritance, Listening, Trust, Prayer and
Remembrance, Lucado offers hope for Promised Land living here on earth before
we reach our true Promised Land. “Glory
Days” is easily digestible and packed with encouragement and practical life application. This is a must read for any Christian whose
walk with Christ isn’t everything they want it to be.