Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): day o Prep,next Spec Sabb; Jew ldrs want bods on crosses,askd Pil 2hv legs brkn/bods tkn dn (31) 2.soldats brk legs 1 st man crux w/J, then the other (32) 3.when they came to J, found he already dead, didn’t brk legs (33) 4.instead, 1of soldats pierced Js side w/ spear bringing sudden flow of blood/water (34) who saw is has givn testimony & testimony is true; he testifies so you believe (35) 6.these happened so Scr fulfilled: “not one of his bones will be broken” (36) 7.and another Scr says: “they will look on the one they have pierced” (37) 8.later, Jos of Arima askd Pil 4 body, Jos disc secretly bec feard Jew ldrs; w/Pil permis, he took body (38) 9.He accomp by Nic, man who visitd J @ nite; Nic brought myrrh/aloes, 75# (39) 10.taking Js body, the 2 wrappd it w/spices in strips of linen in accord w/Jew burial customs (40) 11.@ place where J...