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Homiletics: Revelation 5

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                                                                Who?

Then I saw in rt hand of Him on throne scroll w/writing both sides & sealed w/7 seals.
I saw mighty angel proclaiming in loud voice: Who worthy brk seals/open scroll?
But no one in hvn/on earth/under earth could open scroll or even look inside.
I wept bec no one found worthy to open scroll or look inside.
1 of elders said: Don’t weep!  Lion o Judah/Root o Dvd triumphed, able open scroll/7 seals
I saw Lamb looking slain, std @ ctr of throne, encircled by 4 creatures/elders.
Lamb had 7 horns & 7 eyes which are 7 spirits of G sent into all earth.
He took scroll from rt hand of Him on throne.
When he’d taken it, 4 crtrs/24 elds fell dn b4 Lamb.
ea had harp, holding gold bowls of incense (prayers of G’s ppl).
Nu song: U wrthy take scroll/open bec slain, ur blod purch pers evry tribe/tong/ppl/nation
U made them a kingdom & priests to serve G & they will reign on earth.
I looked/heard many angels, 1000s upon 1000s, 10000x10000, encirc throne/crtrs/elds.
In loud voice they: Wrthy is Lamb who slain 2 rec pwr/wealth/wisdm/strgth/hon/glry/prs!
Thn I hrd evry crtr hvn/earth/sea: to Him on throne & Lamb be prs/hon/glry/pwr forever!
4 crtrs: Amen, and elds fell down/worshiped.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

The Lion of Judah is worthy to open the scroll with seven seals
Jesus, the Lion of Judah, is worthy to judge mankind.
The Lamb that had been slain takes the scroll and every creature in heaven worships Him
Jesus, the Lamb that was slain, is worthy to judge mankind and receive praise.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

The Lion and Lamb is worthy to open the scroll.



TCMATK Jesus is both the Lion of Judah AND the Lamb that was slain and to be confident in their eternal future regarding the coming judgment.



What do you think is significant about the scroll that someone needed to be worthy to open it?
Why do you think John wept because no one was found worthy to open the scroll?
What does the name “Lion of Judah” mean to you?  What significance is the name “Root of David”?  What do each of these names teach you about Jesus and how will this change your behavior?
How did the Lion of Judah and the Root of David triumph?
What does it mean to you that this triumph qualifies the One worthy to open the scroll?
In what way do you find only the Lion of Judah being worthy to open the scroll and seven seals to be encouraging or disconcerting?
How does the picture of the throne in v. 6 differ from the picture of the throne in ch. 4?
How are the seven Spirits of God sent into all the earth?
How can the Lamb take the scroll when it was determined that only the Lion of Judah (the Root of David) was worthy to open the scroll and the seals?
How do the 4 living creatures and 24 elders react to the Lamb taking the scroll?  What does this tell you about the Lamb?
What are the creatures and elders holding?  Why do you think they’re holding them?
What does the new song say about the Lamb?  How will this change your worship this week?
What is your reaction to the angels in vv. 11-12?  What do they say?  How does this scene enhance your idea of worship?
Who speaks in v. 13?  What do they say?  To Whom?  What word of worship would you speak to their audience?
Which part of the worship in heaven impacts you most?  Why?  How will it change how you worship?



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