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Homiletics: Revelation 10-11

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture): 

Saw anothr mity A cming frm hvn robd in cloud-rainbw abov hd-face lk sun-legs firy pillars
He hold lil scroll, open, rt ft on sea, lt ft on land, loud shout lk lion’s roar, 7 thunders spoke
When 7 thund spk I abt to write, but voice frm hvn: seal up what thund said, do not write
A rt hnd to hvn, swore by Hm Who lives 4evr: no mo delay 7th A abt 2 snd, myst o G accmp
Voce frm hvn: take scroll, I ask A give me, he: take, eat; it turn stom sour but swt in mouth
I ate scroll, swt in mouth stom trn sour;  I told: you proph abt mny ppls, natns, langs, kings
I gvn reed, told: meas tmpl /altr/ct wrshprs, excl outr ct, Gents trampl hly city 42 mos
I gv pwr my 2 witns, prph 1260d, in sckclth, these the 2 oliv trees/2 lmpstds b4 L of earth
If anyone tries harm them, fire come out mouths/devours enemies
These hv pwr shut sky/not rain, pwr trn wtr 2 blud, strk earth w/evry plague often as want
Whn fin tstmny, bst frm Abys attck/ovpwr/kill; bods n st cty (Sodom/Egypt) where L crux
3 ½ d men frm evry ppl/tribe/lang/nat gaze on bods, refuse burial
Inhab of earth gloat ovr them, celebrate by send gifts bec proph torment those on earth
After 3  ½ d breath o life frm G enter them, they stood, terror struck those who saw
They heard loud voce frm hvn: come up & they went to hvn on cloud while enemies lookd
@ very hr severe eaquake, 1/10 city collapsed, 7000 killed, surv terrified, give glory to G
2nd woe past, 3rd coming soon
7th A snd trump, loud voce frm hvn: kingdm of wrld has becm koL and Christ He reign 4evr
24 eld fell face/wrship G: we gv thx L G Almty who is/was bec u takn grt pwr & beg 2 reign
Nat angry, time judg ded/reward srvnts; Gs tmpl in hvn opend-ark/ltnng/thndr/eaquk/hail


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

Another Mighty Angel and the Little Scroll
God’s Word is sweet at first, but sometimes sours in our bellies as we experience disappointment to apply it.
The Two Witnesses
God empowers those He calls to accomplish His mission.
The 7th Trumpet
All events of history are preparing mankind and the earth for Christ’s reign.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

John sees a scroll, two witnesses and the seventh trumpet.
Mighty Angel announces seventh trumpet, coming after two witnesses prophesy.



TCMATK the time is now to place faith in Jesus, follow Him and bring others to Christ in order to avoid this coming judgment.



Describe a time when you have experienced the sweetness of God that turned sour in your belly.  (When I became saved His Word and the Gospel were sweet and I wanted to share them with others.  The sourness came with rejection that led me to feel like I didn’t need to share and I lost the enthusiasm to do so.  I’m praying for opportunities to share with others, now.)
What task is God calling you to perform on mission for Him and how is He empowering you to accomplish His will?  (SS Teacher – I spend time with Him to prepare before class and experience His HS giving me ideas both while I’m preparing and during class.  BSF GL – I meet with Him over my homiletics and my lesson, I pray for my Group Members and the Leadership Team.  He unearths treasure from His Word and the comments of other people and gives me beautiful glimpses of Him throughout each meeting.)
What are you doing to prepare for the coming reign of Jesus Christ?  (I’m developing my relationship with Him, falling more crazy head-over-heels in love with Him, spending time with Him, learning from Him…)



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