You never know when I might play a wild card on you!
Today's Wild Card author is:
and the book:
FaithWords (March 13, 2009)

Visit the author's website.
Product Details:
List Price: $13.99
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: FaithWords (March 13, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0446579610
ISBN-13: 978-0446579612
Please press the Open Book Widget to read the first chapter.
Here is my review of this fantastic book:
First of all, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Ray Blackston and his publisher for sending me a copy of "Last Mango In Texas" to review for them. I have always been grateful for this generosity, but haven’t been very consistent in taking the time to thank them in a public forum. I really appreciate your time, effort and expense in making a reviewer copy available to me.
“Last Mango in Texas” is signature Ray Blackston. His dialogue sparkles. His characters are bright and funny. His narrative is some of the wittiest writing in the business! Kyle Mango is a college student with an unthinkable decision to make! He must choose between Gretchen, the girl of his dreams, and being set for life financially as the owner of four oil wells that he inherited from his uncle. No brainer? NO WAY!
Ray Blackston weaves a colorful tale of love and environmental responsibility that will make you laugh out loud and seriously question how you would handle yourself if faced with the same circumstances. This is a completely enjoyable, intelligent read with a thread of faith woven throughout.