How Can I Run a Tight Ship When I'm Surrounded by Loose Cannons? Proverbs 31 Study for Yielding to the Master of the Seas just released by New Hope Publishers for multi-award winning author, Kathi Macias. Kathi is the recipient of the prestigious 2008 award from Advanced Writers and Speakers Association at the Golden Scrolls award banquet. This powerful new release is for all the women in the world who dread reading Proverbs 31 and wonder who on earth could ever live up to that woman? It will encourage women of all ages on how to grow in the progression of grace. It is filled with scriptural explanations and journaling pages. Readers will find the funny without the fluff! The gentle manner of Kathi's teaching and words will be like the the teaspoon of sugar that helps the medicine go down. God's Word is alive throughout the pages and the author's words entice readers to press forward and embrace the plan God has for her in the safe harbor of His love.
Here is my review of this wonderful book:
First of all, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Kathi Macias and her publisher for sending me a copy of "How Can I Run A Tight Ship When I’m Surrounded By Loose Cannons" to review for them. I have always been grateful for this generosity, but haven’t been very consistent in taking the time to thank them in a public forum. I really appreciate your time, effort and expense in making a reviewer copy available to me.
I was completely smitten by the cover of Kathi Macias’ new book. Then I read the title and laughed out loud: “How Can I Run A Tight Ship When I’m Surrounded By Loose Cannons?” I knew that this was a book I absolutely had to read! I’ve studied Proverbs 31 several times through several different sources, but this book takes a new tack. The wind of the Bible fills the sails of this highly engaging read that will encourage and inspire the reader to achieve new heights in the pursuit to become the seemingly impossible Proverbs 31 woman!
Macias combines two things that consistently grab my attention: the Bible and the ocean. She blends them beautifully to bring this passage of scripture to life in new ways that ignite my imagination and inspire me to continue the pursuit to become this type of woman with the Lord’s help. This book is a must read for any lady who needs a little extra wind in her sails.