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Homiletics Luke 9:1-50

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
9:1-5 J calld12gv pwr demns/cure,sent:tk nothng,whtevr hs entr,stay;if welcm,shake dust
9:6-8 set out,procl gd news/heal;Herod perplexd,some sayg Jn raised,others Elijah,others proph bk2life
9:9- H:I behd Jn,tried2see Hm
9:10-11 apost retn,rpt2J,theyw/d2Bethsaida,crowds followd,He welcmd,He spoke koG,heald
9:12-15 late aftrn,12:send crowd away food/lodging;J:u gv eat,we hv5br&2fish:5000men;sit in grps of 50
9:16-17 disc did,evry1 sat;tk5loav2fish,lk up2hvn,gv thx,broke,gv2disc2distrib;all ate,satis,12baskets pcs
9:18-20 J prayg pvt,disc w/:who crowds say I am?Jn Bapt;Elijah;proph bk2life;what abt u?P:G’s Messiah
9:21-23 J warnd tell any1:SoM suffer,rejectd,killd,3rd day raised;want b my disc deny self,tk cross,follw
9:24-25 whoevr want sv life,lose;whoevr lose life4me,sv;what gd4some1gain world,lose self
9:26-27 Whoevr ashmd me/my wds,SoM ashmd them when cm glory;some here taste deathb4see koG

9:28-30 8d later,J tk P,Jn,Jas into mt2pray;appearnc chg,clothes lightning;Moses&Elijah appeard,talk w/J
9:31-32 spoke abt His depart,He abt2fulfill Jerus;P/compn sleepy,bec awake,saw glry/2men
9:33-34 as men lvng,P:let us3sheltrs4U,M,E(He know wht sayng);cloud apprd/cvrd,afraid as they enterd
9:35-36 voce:this my Son,I’ve chosen, listn2Hm;J alone;disc kpt this2selves@that time

9:37-40 nxt day cm dn,man begd:Tchr,lk@my son,spiri seiz,convuls,foam@mouth,dstroy hm,disc drv out
9:41-43a Unbelvg,prvers gen,brg son;while boy cm demn convulsn,J rebk spirit,heal boy,gv2fr,all amazd
9:43b-45 while evry1 marvlg,J2disc:SoM2b delv in2hd men;they undstd,hiddn frm them,they afraid2ask
9:46-48a argumt among disc greatest;J knowg thoughts tk child:whoevr welcm child my nom welcm me
9:48b whoevr welcm me, welcm1who sent me;1who least among u=greatest
9:49-50 Jn:Master,saw some1 drv demn in ur nom,tried stop bec 1of us;J:stop,whoevr against u=4u

Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):
1.Jesus sends the apostles out, feeds 5000, asks who they think He is and tells them about the cross (Luke 9:1-27)
Principle: Jesus equips, calls, meets needs and exceeds expectations.
2.Jesus appears before Peter, John and James with Moses and Elijah and a voice from the cloud tells them to listen to His beloved Son (Luke9:28-36)
Principle: Jesus pleases His Father.
3.Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy and settles an argument about who is the greatest (Luke 9:37-50)
Principle: Jesus serves.

Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Jesus feeds 5000, is transfigured and identifies “the greatest”.

Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):
TCMATK Jesus meets needs, pleases His Father, heals and settles arguments.

Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):
1.Where is Jesus sending you to share His love and how are you responding to His call?
2.How are you responding to God’s declaration that you are His beloved child?
3.What parts of your life are you willing to allow Jesus to heal?

How would I describe God in this passage?  God equips and sends His people to touch the world in His name.  God feeds us to complete satisfaction and gives us leftovers!  God reveals Himself to us.  God informs us about the future, gives glimpses of His glory and substantiates the past.  God heals and teaches.

Who are “the lost”?  The lost are those to whom He sends His people, the crowds and individuals who seek Him for nourishment and healing.

Where do I see the Holy Spirit’s power?  I see the Spirit’s power in the multiplying of bread and fish, in Peter’s declaration, in the predictions of Jesus’ death, in the transfiguration, in the healing of the demon-possessed boy.

Where do I see an emphasis on prayer?  Jesus took Peter, John and James into the mountains to pray.  While He prayed, He was transfigured.  Prayer apparently makes the disciples sleepy (me too, sometimes), because Scripture says “when they became fully awake, they saw His glory and the two men standing with Him…”  Prayer makes such wonderful things happen.  How can we sleep through it?!?!?!

Where do I see joy?  I can only imagine the joy of the apostles as they proclaimed the good news and healed people.  That first healing done must’ve been a bit nerve-wracking.  Would it work?  I can’t do this.  They were right about that.  But, wow!!!  I’m sure there were slips into pride over the successes.  I wonder if that’s why they couldn’t heal the demon-possessed boy.  Still, the joy of knowing that Jesus was with them when they couldn’t see Him was a critical lesson for them to learn because Jesus is now making His way to Jerusalem and the end of His earthly ministry.  I also imagine joy as the disciples pass out food to 5000 men (probably more if you think about the women and children) from 5 loaves and 2 fish and then collect 12 baskets of broken pieces!!!  Wow!  Then there’s Peter declaring that Jesus is the Messiah!  Mind-blowing!  And being one of the three who witnessed the transfiguration and saw Moses and Elijah!!!  Oy!  And seeing the demon-possessed boy healed…for the apostles who were unable to heal that boy, it may’ve been embarrassing.  They may have recognized him and his father and felt shame that they were unable to do this on their mission trip.  Did Jesus look right at them?  Did He smile?  Did they feel that gracious, merciful correction deep inside and the joy that comes when you realize you’re forgiven and Jesus is about to take you to a new level of relationship?

How could this joy be my strength today?  As I type this, I’m drinking coffee and listening to my load of laundry enter the spin cycle…my stomach a bit knotted because I leave tomorrow morning on a mission trip to Austria and the Czech Republic with my choir.  Our 15 voices will join 135 others from four other churches to sing God’s praises during five concerts.  We will smile and shake hands and bless those we meet with gifts from the USA.  We will experience foreign culture and pick out treasures to bring our loved ones back home.  I expect to see God do mighty things!

What do I love about Jesus?  I love so many things about Him.  He goes with me wherever I go.  He will never leave me or forsake me.  He corrects me gently, but He doesn’t leave me alone in my bad habits.  He heals me.  He reveals Himself to me.  He teaches me.  He gives me wisdom beyond myself.  He nourishes me.  He loves me.

What references to food do I see in this passage?  Jesus feeds 5000+ with 5 loaves and 2 fish and the Apostles collect 12 baskets of leftovers!  Amazing!!!

If this were the only page torn out of a Bible I possessed, what would I treasure about it?  I treasure that He can give ordinary men and women the realization that He is God!  That He saves people today!  That He chose me to receive that saving knowledge.  That there is so much tied together in these verses: sending out the 12 and the father coming with the demon-possessed boy the apostles couldn’t heal (probably during that trip).  The people telling Herod that Jesus was John the Baptist or Elijah or one of the prophets come back to life and the apostles telling Jesus this is who they thought He was, but Peter declaring Him to be the Messiah.  This also ties in my mind to the transfiguration.  And there’s so much more to be discovered in these verses…


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