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Homiletics: Luke 6:12-49

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

6:12-13 J2mtside2pray,spent nite prayg2G;morn came,He calld disciples,chose12apostles:

6:14-16 Sim(P),bro And,Jas,Jn,Phil, Bart,Mat,Tho,Jas son Alph,Sim Zeal,Jud son Jas,Jud Isc bec traitr

6:17-18 went dn,stood lvl plc,lg crowd from Jud,Jerus.Tyre,Sid,cm2hear/b heald,trbl by impr spirit cured

6:19 ppl touchd,pwr cm out,heald;


6:20-21 2Disc:blssd u poor,urs=koG;blssd u hungr,u satsfd;blssd u weep,u laugh

6:22-23 Blssd whn ppl h8,exclude,insult,reject bec SoM;rejoice bec grt=ur reward Hvn,how anc trt proph

6:24-26 woe2u well fed,u go hngry;woe2u laugh,u mourn;woe2u evry1 spk well,how anc trt false proph

6:27-28 2u listning:lv enemies,do gd2those h8 u,blss those curse u,pray4mistreat u

6:29 if some1 slap u cheek, turn other;if some1 tk u coat,wh shirt

6:30-31 gv2evry1 who asks,if any1 tk,demand back;do2oth as u’d have them do2u

6:32-34 if u lv who lv u,what credit?Evn sinnrs do,if u lend2expct repmt,what cred? Sinnrs lend2 sinners

6:35 lv enmies,do gd2em,lend expct bk then ur rewrd grt,u chldrn Most Hi bec He kind2ungrtfl/wckd

6:36-38a b mrcfl as Fr mrcfl;judg,u judged,condemn,u condemnd,4gv,u4gvn;gv,gvn2u

6:38b gd meas,prssd dn,shkn2gethr,rung ovr,pourd into lap,meas u use b meas2u


6:39-40 can blind lead blind?both fall? Stud above tcher,evry1 fully traind like tchr

6:41-42 yu lk@speck bro eye&pay attn2plank in ur eye;1st tk plank out ur eye,then see clear2rem speck

6:43-44 no gd tree bad fruit,bad tree gd fruit;tree recog by fruit;figs frm thornbush or grape frm brier

6:45 gd man bring gd thing gd in♥evil man bring evil out evil in♥,mouth spk what♥full

6:46-47 yu call me L,L&do what I say?Evry1 who cm hear my wds put in2 pract,I show what they like

6:48-49 lk man bld hs,fnd rock,flood shake bec well blt;1 who hears,put into prac lk hs w/o fnd,collapse


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Jesus spent the night praying, in the morning He called His apostles then healed the people (6:12-19)

Principle: Inquire of God before making important decisions and doing ministry.

2.Jesus tells disciples, “blessed are you,” “woe to you,” “love your enemies,” and “be merciful.”

Principle: Scripture guides a person in godly living.

3.Jesus talks about the blind leading the blind, specks and planks in the eye, fruit, the mouth, the heart and putting His words into practice.

Principle: Jesus’ teaching is worthwhile to follow.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Jesus prays, chooses apostles and teaches about blessings, woes, obedience.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK Believers are chosen by God and called to live according to Jesus’ teachings.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.How does your prayer life reflect the seriousness of the decisions you are facing right now?

2.What conviction have you received from the Bible recently about how you should be living for Christ?

3.In what way is the condition of your heart reflected in how you speak?

How would I describe God in this passage?  He is relational.  Jesus prays all night to God, seemingly about who would be the 12 apostles He would live with and train to take the gospel forward.  In the morning, He chooses those 12 men who will live with Him, eat with Him, pray with Him, receive His teaching.


Who are “the lost”?  Sadly, Judas Iscariot’s name stands out.  He was one of the twelve, but still lost.  There were probably some disciples (not chosen apostles) who were lost.  The people from Judea, Jerusalem, Tyre and Sidon who came to hear and be healed were probably lost.  Those who call Jesus Lord but don’t do what He says.


Where do I see the Holy Spirit’s power?  I see His power in the blank space between Jesus spending the night praying to God and the next morning when He chose the twelve apostles.  I see His power in the healings and in Jesus’ teaching.  I see the power in the transition between weeping and laughing, between how God’s economy is different from ours. I see this power in the expectation from Jesus’ teaching that believers are enabled to live the reality of God’s economy!  We can rejoice when things don’t go our way because we’re saved!  We can love our enemies!  We can be merciful!  We can avoid judging and condemning.  We can forgive.  We can bear good fruit.


Where do I see an emphasis on prayer?  Right up front, Jesus spends the whole night praying to God.  He prays before He selects the twelve apostles.  It would seem that’s what He’s praying about.


Where do I see joy?  I see joy in Jesus spending time in prayer with the Father all night.  You don’t spend a whole night praying if it’s drudgery.


How could this joy be my strength today?  My prayer time can be joyful.  It’s about my attitude toward it and level of distraction.  It is certainly my strength!  Lord, help me experience joy every time I pray.


What do I love about Jesus?  I love His commitment to pray.  I love His mentoring.  I love His teaching.  I love His calm personality.  I love His gentle conviction. 


What references to food do I see in this passage?  Physically, talking about fruit.  Spiritually in the rich teaching.


If this were the only page torn out of a Bible I possessed, what would I treasure about it?  Verse 43 (“No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit.”) hit me like a lightning bolt as I just read it!  There is nothing nonchalant about being a fruit inspector.  Fruit can look pretty, but taste horrible.  That’s not good fruit.  Since we are talking about words revealing what’s in our heart by verse 45, I’m guessing that’s our fruit: our words.  We can tell the condition of our hearts by the words that come out of our mouths.  What do my words say about the condition of my heart?  Oh, this passage is so rich!!!



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