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Homiletics 5:1-6:11

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

5:1-3 J stdg Lk Gennesaret,ppl crwdg&listng2WoG;2boats,fishrmn washg nets;got in boat,Simon’s,taught

4-6 fin spkg,2Sim:deep h20,dn nets;S:wrkd all nite,caught anythg,bec u say, I dn net;lg#fish,net beg brk

7-9 signald prtnrs sos,filld both boats,beg sink; SP fell@J knees:I sinfl mn;he/cmpnions astonishd@catch

10-11 so were Jas&Jn;J:be afraid, now u fish4ppl;boats ashore,left everythg, followed Hm


12-13 mn w/leprsy saw J,fell2grd,beggd:L if willng,u can mk me cln;J touch:I willng,b cln;immed lprsy left

14-16 J:tell any1,go prst,sacrfice;yet news spread,crowds cm2hear&b healed;J often w/d2lonly plc2pray

17-20 J tchg,Phar/toL there;men carry paralz man up roof, lowrd thru tiles in frt J;J saw faith:ur sins 4gvn

21-22 Phar&toL thinkg:who spk blsphmy?Who 4gv sins but G?J knew thinkg:Yu thinkg these things in

23-24 which easier2say:ur sins 4gvn or get up/walk? I want u know SoM has authrty 4gv;tk mat&go hm

25-26 Immed stood,went,praisng G;evry1 amazd,gv prais G;filld w.awe,”seen remrkbl thgs 2day”


27-29 J saw Levi tax booth:follo me;Levi lft evrythg,followd;grt banquet4J,lg crowd tax coll/others eating

30-32 Phar/toL cmplaind:yu eat/drk w/tx coll/sinnrs?healthy need dr,sick;I cm call rtous but sinnrs2rpnt

33-34 They:Jn’s disc fast/pray& disc of Phar,urs eatg/drnkg;J:can u mk friends brigrm fast while w/them

35-36 time cm bridgrm tkn,they fast;parable:no1 pc new garment2patch old;not match

37-38 no1 pours new wine old skins;new burst skins,wine run out,skins ruined;new in new

39 no1 aftr drnkg old wine wants new, they say old better


6:1-3 Sabbath grainfields disc pick,eat;Phar:yu doing unlawful on Sabbath?J:hv u read David did

4-5 He entrd hs oG,tkg consec br,ate&gv2companions;J:SoM=L of Sabbath

6-7 another Sabb syngog tchg,man rt hand shrivld;Phar&toL lkg4reas2accuse J,watchd2see if He’d heal

8-11 J knew thinkg,2man:get up;which lawful-do good or evil;J:stretch hand,restored;Phar/toL furious


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Fishermen leave everything to follow Jesus after He teaches at Lake Gennesaret (5:1-11)

Principle:  Following Jesus is worth leaving everything.

2.Jesus heals a man with leprosy and forgives a paralyzed man’s sins (5:12-26)

Principle:  True healing and forgiveness is found only in Christ.

3.Jesus calls Levi and dines with tax collectors (5:27-39)

Principle:  Whoever believes in Jesus has eternal life.

4.Jesus’ disciples pick grain and Jesus heals on the Sabbath (6:1-11)

Principle:  Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Jesus teaches, forgives sins, calls Levi and performs Sabbath healing.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK Relationship with Jesus is worth the cost because it brings healing, forgiveness and eternal life.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.What do you need to leave behind to follow Jesus more completely?

2.What areas of your life need healing and/or forgiveness that you are willing to expose to Jesus?

3.To whom are you introducing Jesus?  With whom are you celebrating Him?

4.Where do you need to focus more upon Jesus during your Sabbath?

How would I describe God in this passage?  He is teacher.  He is healer.  He is forgiver.  He is caller.  He is fellowshipper.  He is Lord of the Sabbath.


Who are “the lost”?  The lost are those who didn’t follow Jesus.  The truly lost are those who are trying to find fault with Jesus because He threatened their authority.


Where do I see the Holy Spirit’s power?  I see His power in the fishermen leaving everything to follow Jesus!  I see His power in the healing touch of Jesus with the leper.  I see His power in the faith of the litter-bearers, in Jesus’ forgiveness and in the paralytics’ faith to attempt to stand.  I see His power in Jesus choosing Levi to follow Him and in the tax collector’s impulse to throw a party because he recognized his life would never be the same and he wanted to share the best thing that ever happened to him with the people he knew.  I see His power in knowing that goodness toward people is more important than observing manmade rules.  I see His power in Jesus’ authority and decisiveness.


Where do I see an emphasis on prayer?  I see confession from Peter on his knees before Jesus, saying he is a sinful man.  I see a reference to Jesus often withdrawing to lonely places to pray.  I see praise from the paralytic and the people after the healing. When Jesus is eating with Levi and his friends, the Pharisees condemn Him for eating and drinking with sinners.  Saying He should be like John the Baptist and his disciples who regularly fast and pray.


Where do I see joy?  Levi’s dinner party for Jesus.  They are celebrating, eating, drinking.  He is introducing Jesus to his friends and Jesus is giving them His time and attention.  I also see joy in those who have been healed – leprosy, paralysis, a withered hand.  Lives changed because Jesus touched them.  My life has changed because Jesus touched me.


How could this joy be my strength today?  I am reminded that he who has been forgiven much, loves much.  In other words, when I’m in touch with my sinfulness and what Jesus did to forgive me, I will be immensely grateful!  That should be cause every day for celebration and joy!!!  Jesus chose me to be His!  Hallelujah!


What do I love about Jesus?  I love that He’s a kind and truthful teacher.  I love that He touches those others won’t.  I love that He forgives all my sins.  I love that He called me to follow Him and He gives me the privilege of introducing others to Him.  I love that He allows me to celebrate Him with food and fun and fellowship.  I love that He does good on the Sabbath rather than holding to unkind rules and regulations.  I just love Him!!!


What references to food do I see in this passage?  Levi, the tax collector, held a great banquet for Jesus at his house.  The Pharisees and tax collectors confront Jesus about eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners.  The disciples picked and ate grain on the Sabbath.


If this were the only page torn out of a Bible I possessed, what would I treasure about it?  This passage shows so many aspects of who Jesus is and who He calls me to be: teacher, toucher of the outcast, healer, forgiver, celebrator, fellowshipper, good doer.  What a beautiful heart He has.  I will learn from this passage until I meet Him face-to-face.



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