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Homiletics Luke 7

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

7:1-3 when J fin sayg this,entr Capern;cent’s svt abt2die;cent heard of J,sent eldrs2Hm,ask cm/heal svt

7:4-6a they cm2J,plead,”man desrvs this bec lvs nation,blt syngog”;J went

7:6b-7 far frm hs cent sent friends,”L trbl self,I deserv u under roof;worthy cm2u,say wd,svt be heald

7:8-9 I undr authrty,sold undr me,”go”,he go,”cm”,he cms,”do”,he do;J amazd,”found such grt faith Is”

7:10-12 men retd svt well;J2Nain,disc&lg crowd w/Hm;gate,dead pers only son widow,lg crowd w/her

7:13-15 L saw,2her,”cry”;He touchd bier,bearers still,”yng man,get up”;dead man sat up,J gv2mother

7:16-17 all filled awe prasd G,”grt proph amng us”,”G cm2hlp His ppl”;this news spread Judea/surr cntry


7:18-21 Jn’s disc told hm,he calld2sent2L:”ru1 2cm or we expct some1else?”;@that time J cured,gv sight

7:22 2msgrs:”go rpt seen&hrd:blind rec sight,lame walk,leprsy clean,deaf hear,dead raise,gd news proc

7:23-24 Blssd any1stmbl on acct me;J msgrs lft,J spk re:Jn:”what u go wildrnss2see?reed swayd by wind?

7:25-27 man fine cloths?no those in palaces;prpht?y&more;abt whom writn:I snd msgr ahead,prep way

7:28-30 no1>Jn;yet lest in koG>he;(all,evn tax coll ackn G way rt bec baptz by Jn,Phar/exprt rej bec not)

7:31-32 J:2what I cmpr this gen;lk children sitg mktplc “we playd pipe u dance;we sang dirge u cry

7:33-35 Jn eat,drnk,”has dmon”;SoM eat&drnk,u:glttn,drnkrd,ami tx coll,sinnrs,wisd prvd rt by all chdrn


7:36-38 Phar invt J din;wm sinfl albstr jar;wet ft tears,wipe w/hair,kiss,pour perf

7:39-42 Phar2slf:if proph,he know she sinnr;J:2ppl owed$1-500,other50,he forgv debts,whichmore?

7:43-44 Simon:bigger debt,”u judgd corr”;turn2wm,2Sim:see wm?u gv h2o4my ft,she tears wipe w/hair

7:45-46 u gv me kiss,wm stop kissing feet;u put oil my head,she poured perf my ft

7:47-48 her sins forgvn as her grt lv shown, whoevr forgvn little lvs little;J2her:ur sins forgivn

7:49-50 other guests among selvs: who this who forgvs sins? J2wm:ur faith saved u, go in pc


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Jesus heals a centurion’s servant and raises a widow’s only son (Luke 7:1-17)

Principle:  God heals the sick and raises the dead.

2.Jesus answers John the Baptist’s disciples and tells the people about him (Luke 7:18-35)


3.Jesus goes to dinner at a Pharisee’s house and forgives a sinful woman’s sins (Luke 7:36-50)

Principle:  Those who are forgiven much, love much.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Jesus heals a servant, speaks about John and forgives sins.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK Jesus touches people in many ways and He’s worthy of all praise.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.In what areas of your life are you (or should you be) asking Jesus for healing and resurrection?

2.How are you preparing the way for those you know to encounter Jesus?

3.How are you showing your love to Jesus?

How would I describe God in this passage?  He is Jehovah Rapha, my Healer.  He is the Resurrection and the Life.  He is my Defender.  He is the receiver of my worship and praise.


Who are “the lost”?  The lost are the people who don’t do anything with what Jesus says.  His message hasn’t impacted them.  The elders of the Jews who said the centurion deserved to have Jesus heal his servant because he loves their nation and built their synagogue.  Perhaps the centurion who asked Jesus to come and when He was almost there, sent friends to tell Him not to trouble Himself because he doesn’t deserve to have Him under his roof.  Yet Jesus commends him for his faith.  The crowds following Him.  The crowd with the widow.  Jon’s disciples.  The Pharisee who invited Jesus to dinner.  The other guests.


Where do I see the Holy Spirit’s power?  I see the Holy Spirit’s power in where Jesus goes, what He does, how long He stays, when He moves on from there.  Jesus’ whole life is about doing the Father’s will and displaying the Spirit’s power.  The obedience is just as powerful as healing the centurion’s servant or raising the son of the widow of Nain.  His words to John the Baptist’s disciples are power.  Fulfilling prophesy is power.  His acceptance of the sinful woman at Simon the Pharisee’s house is power.  His parable to Simon and the other dinner guests is power.  FORGIVING SINS IS POWER!!!


Where do I see an emphasis on prayer?  Prayer was definitely happening or this power wouldn’t be unleashed.  This makes me wonder…  Prayer is the real work.  I don’t see any specific references to prayer in these verses, but I know that the relationship between the Father and the Son is the true source of the power on display in this chapter.  So here’s what I ponder: if my prayer life were even a fraction as vibrant as Jesus’ prayer life, how much would the Holy Spirit be doing through me?  If my ego would get out of the way and I would quit stealing God’s glory, what would He accomplish with my life?  What opportunities am I missing because I’m not listening…not obeying…relying too much on myself and not trusting Him???


Where do I see joy?  I can only imagine the widow crumbling as her son sat up.  A great intake of air as the fear of her fate without a provider is crushed beneath Jesus’ healing hands.  The tears that freely flowed as her heart water is released while she promises to always trust God in the future.  The joy that Jesus lived because of His obedience.  I want to live that joy.


How could this joy be my strength today?  I can obey God.  I can trust God.  I can allow Jesus to crush my fears.  Help me, Lord.


What do I love about Jesus?  I love His compassion.  I love how He disciplines so gently.  I love His obedience.  I love His availability.  I love His comfort.


What references to food do I see in this passage?  The dinner at Simon the Pharisee’s house.  Bread, wine, water, fish, cheese, olives, figs…  I don’t know what they ate.  But I do know that any meal with Jesus is a good one.  I need to quit blowing through mealtime prayers by saying them in the kitchen or in front of the TV.  I’ll go home tonight, break down my puzzle, set my table, put aside distractions and present dinner…with a proper giving of thanks.


If this were the only page torn out of a Bible I possessed, what would I treasure about it?  Oh so much…  Jesus heals the almost dead without having to be in the same room!  Jesus commends faith.  Jesus saves for eternity and eternity begins now.  Jesus’ heart goes out to people.  Jesus raises the dead!  Jesus delivers us from desperate circumstances.  Jesus answers our questions.  Jesus enters where He is invited.  Jesus receives our gifts.  Jesus knows our hearts and our minds.  Jesus forgives sins.  Jesus gives us peace.



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