The Finishing School
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by Valerie Woerner
Litfuse is excited to be partnering with NyreePress and Valerie Woerner to bring you The Finishing School: How One Book Nerd Began Living What She Learned.
Valerie says, "Finishing schools and learning social graces have always been fascinating to me. Maybe it's because I'm awkward and ungraceful to my core and love the idea that these things are taught instead of things you are born with. As I've grown in my walk with the Lord, I have realized that living an intentional life is the same. We don't flip a switch when we become a Christian and suddenly have a life that is overflowing with fruit. I've still got this rebellious flesh to contend with. And although I desire my days to be lived intentionally and on purpose, many days, they are simply filled with things like shopping and binging on Netflix or ice cream. We've got to learn how to grow. We've got to learn what obstacles we will face (because there will be obstacles) and how to overcome them. We have got to dig into what the Bible says and study that truth more than the voices of this world."
Are you tired of waiting for change to happen in your life? Do you feel stuck, even though you want to live more intentionally?
The Finishing School is your practical guide to put you in motion to that purposeful life you dream about. Let the refining begin! In today's world, our pursuit of a life well-lived gets squeezed out by the silliest of things: binging on TV shows, shopping trips for things we don't need, bad habits we can't seem to get a handle on, and so much more. Valerie has been there, despite knowing what she wanted for her life. Actually doing it though? That's the real challenge.
After gobbling up all the non-fiction and self-help books her donut-filled belly could handle, she decided it was time to put her knowledge to use and start actually living it out. The result has been a refining process that has drawn her closer to God and produced the sweetest fruit in her life. You will hear about Valerie's journey filled with failures and victories and find practical tips to apply to your own pursuit of holiness. You will find homework at the end of each chapter that includes a worksheet to put real change in motion for your own life, as well as recommended books to further study those topics that really test you.
Homiletics . By definition, “homiletic” is the art of preaching or writing sermons. I think we would all agree that our pastors study the Bible thoroughly to deliver sermons every Sunday to their congregations. The beautiful news is that every child of God can use this discipline to study the Bible for themselves. As a member of Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) Leadership, part of my required preparation each week is to prepare homiletics for the passage we are studying. BSF offers an engaging seminar on how to use this method to study the Scriptures. I’ve taken the seminar several times under two different leaders and I’ve learned something new every time I’ve attended. I’ve also been doing the process of homiletics for over ten years and I can say that there is no better teacher than the Holy Spirit in this process! So keep practicing. Keep sharing and discussing. I’ve been posting my homiletics on this blog for quite a...