Video #2 taught me this:
My enemy wants me to lean on my own
My enemy wants me to trust my feelings
The devil disguises himself (2 Cor 11:14)
Satan’s attacks are deception; he is a master
illusionist but his suggestions can never stand up to God’s Word
Just like the TSA runs an ID under a light to
determine authenticity, we must run those things we want to authenticate under THE
LIGHT (God’s Word)!
"Discernment is not a
matter of simply telling the difference between right and wrong; rather, it is
telling the difference between right and almost right." ~ Charles Spurgeon
The Bible is the unchanging
standard that has to dictate our lives
If we haven’t applied what we
learned in the last Bible study, we need to get out of this Bible study
The belt gave fortification and
stability – the belt of truth does the same
The belt gives me freedom I
wouldn’t otherwise have
I need to ask for holy courage
and wild woman boldness to stand for truth
This week my mentors Miss Priscilla and the Holy Spirit
taught me:
Instead of wanting to be spared pain and
testing, I should consider it pure joy when I face trials. They help me persevere and mature.
Knowing the truth can diffuse many battles by
eliminating the possibility of being deceived
Truth is how I strengthen my spiritual core
Truth is God’s opinion on any matter
I need to uphold the Bible as my standard of
I need to let God align my decisions and
responses with his truth
I need to synchronize my convictions with God’s
character and purposes
I need to filter every circumstance through
God’s truth
I tend to have bad posture when lots of
negatives (or perceived negatives) happen at once
I need to express truth
I need to be the strongest person in my room at
work and not let my co-workers drag me into complaining. Instead, I need to be the light of Christ in
that darkness
The Belt of Truth stabilizes the other pieces of
The Belt bears some of the weight of the
Breastplate of Righteousness, taking the weight off of the shoulders
Truth supports and removes obstacles
Light and Truth illuminate and reveal
I need to be militant about personal homeland
God had Moses strike a rock to get water when
they first ventured into the desert, but a similar situation where God asked
Moses to speak to the rock and Moses struck it like the first time got Moses
banned from the Promised Land. I need to
be open to God doing things in a new way in my life
This week’s bookwork included a third “Digging Deeper”
article. Digging Deeper III is called “The
Divine Warrior” and it teaches about the warrior Priscilla talked about in
video session #1 using the passage in Isaiah 59. What a beautiful picture this is!
Here’s the prayer strategy I’ve crafted as a result of what
I learned this week:
Heavenly Father, Author of Truth, Teacher and Tester of my
faith, You are worthy of obedience! I
repent of leaning on my own understanding, of trusting my feelings or my past
experiences – even with you! I repent of
doing any Bible study and not applying it, and of displaying “bad posture” when
lots of challenges come along. I ask you
to help me distinguish between right and almost right. Teach me to make Your Word my standard of
living. Give me holy courage and wild
woman boldness to stand for truth!
Synchronize my convictions with Your character and purpose. Make me militant about personal homeland
security. Help me obey Your instruction
and not always seek to do things how we’ve done them in the past. May I be embarrassed to be without truth. Make me joyful when my faith is tested (James
1:2-4) and help me hold to your teaching so I know Your truth and am set free
(John 8:31-32).