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Homiletics Matthew 17

written 28 January 2014

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                  Mountain, Galilee, Capernaum               

Who?  Jesus, Peter, James, John

After 6 days, J taketh P, Jas & Jo up mountain/ was transfigured: face shine as sun, raiment white as light & appeared Moses & Elias w/Him.
P: Lord, good us be here, let us make 3 tabernacles for thee, Moses & Elias; while he spake, bright cloud overshadowed, voice out of cloud: This my beloved Son, in whom I well pleased, hear Him; when D heard, fell on face, afraid.
J touched them: arise, be not afraid; when they lifted eyes, saw no man save J.
As they came down mountain, J: tell vision to no man until Son of man risen; D: why say scribes Elias must first come; J: Elias shall first come/is come already, they knew him not, likewise shall Son of man suffer; D understood He spake of J the Baptist.
When they come to multitude, man kneeling: Lord, mercy on my son, lunatic, falleth into fire/water, I brought to thy D, they could not cure.
J: faithless/perverse gen, how long I be with you/suffer you, bring him; J rebuked devil/he departed/child cured; D: why not we cast out; J: unbelief, if ye have faith as grain mustard seed, ye say mountain remove to yonder, it shall, nothing impossible unto you; this kind goeth not but by prayer and fasting.
While they abode in Galilee, J: Son of man shall be betrayed; they kill Him, third day He be raised, they sorry.
When they come Capernaum, they came to Peter: Doth master pay tribute; P: yes; J: what thinkest thou, Simon, of whom do kings of earth take tribute – children or strangers; P: strangers; J: are children free: lest we offend, go to sea, cast hook, take fish, when thou opened mouth thou find money, take and give them for me and thee.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

 J taketh P, J & J mtn/ was transfigured: face as sun, raiment as light, Moses & Elias w/Him; P: Lord, good us here, us make 3 tabernacles for thee, Moses & Elias; while spake, bright cloud overshadowed, voice: This my beloved Son, I well pleased, hear Him; when D heard, fell on face, afraid; J touched them: arise, be not afraid; when they lifted eyes, saw no man save J; came down mtn, J: tell vision no man until Son of man risen; D: why say scribes Elias must first come; J: Elias shall/is come already, they knew him not, likewise shall Son of man suffer; D understood He spake of J the Baptist.
God is well pleased with Jesus and if we desire to please God, we would be wise to follow Christ.
God’s people are capable of seeing glimpses of His kingdom here on earth.
When come to multitude, man kneeling: Lord, my son, lunatic, falleth into fire/water, I brought to D, they could not cure; J: faithless/perverse gen, how long I be with you/suffer you, bring him; J rebuked devil/he departed/child cured; D: why not we cast out; J: unbelief, if have faith as mustard seed, ye say mountain remove, it shall, nothing impossible; this kind goeth not but by prayer and fasting.
Our unbelief hinders our effectiveness on earth.
Some cures only come by prayer and fasting.
While in Galilee, J: Son of man be betrayed; they kill Him, third day He raised, they sorry; When come Capernaum, to Peter: Doth master pay tribute; P: yes; J: Simon, of whom do kings take tribute – children or strangers; P: strangers; J: lest we offend, go to sea, cast hook, take fish, opened mouth, find money, take and give them for me and thee.
Jesus revealed that He would be betrayed, killed and resurrected AFTER the mountaintop retreat with His disciples.
Pay tribute to kings so you don’t offend.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Jesus is transfigured, heals a lunatic and pays tribute.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMAT examine their current situation to discover areas of unbelief so they may take those areas to the Lord in prayer, moving beyond them and gaining faith so they can better resemble Christ in their activity, be more effective in ministry and please their Father in Heaven.



What does Jesus look like in His glorified form in your life?
How have you glimpsed God’s kingdom recently?
When have you attempted to remain and live at a mountaintop experience?
What have you heard God say this week?
How have you experienced “coming down the mountain” with Jesus recently?
In what way does John the Baptist resemble Elijah?
When have you experienced a situation in which no one could help but Christ?
What action would you take to stop being faithless in an area?
In which areas of unbelief will you pray that Jesus will give you mustard seed faith?
How have you experienced Christ’s promise that nothing will be impossible if you have faith?
What sort of breakthroughs have you experienced as a result of prayer and fasting?
How might you have responded to Christ’s confession that He would be betrayed, killed and resurrected if you were one of His apostles?
In what way do you pay tribute to the kings of the earth?
What action are you willing to take so as not to offend others?
What action are you unwilling to take regardless of whether or not you offend someone?
What criteria do you use to determine whether or not to take action that may offend?



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