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The 7 Experiment by Jen Hatmaker – Week 5


This week’s group meeting was humbling.  So many experiences were shared about how the lives of these women were touched personally by Jesus.  There was powerful testimony about a very alive, active and personal God.  I am completely inspired to seek God in prayer before I begin this week’s Media fast.  I can’t wait to see what He reveals to me.

I’m not one of those people who is connected 24/7/365.  I can sit quietly in a room and read my Bible or a book.  I don’t need the TV or radio for background noise.  I sometimes use my Wii to play games, but mostly I use it to exercise and watch Netflix.  My most used apps are YouVersion Bible, a Greek vocabulary tutor and Geocaching.  I’m not a big social media person unless I’m posting notes on my Bible app that I want to share.  Texting is how I communicate with my husband since he’s a cab driver and can’t answer his phone all the time.  I’m not a big recreational internet user, either.  I may search for a recipe or check out imdb while we’re watching a movie at home.  Obviously, I blog and publish online book reviews.  I use blueletterbible and google things I want to learn about.  Maybe I’m more internet active than I thought.

I think I push myself to come up with blog content sometimes because I want to get the post written to have it done with.  Sorry.  I really want to let God speak this week, so I’m not going to do that.  I’m stopping now so I can listen for Him.  I will come back later to share my experience.

Lord, please reveal to me how You’d like me to fast this week from media.  I’m listening.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

What a week!  I didn’t engage in a “fast” perse, but I did learn a valuable – and life changing – lesson.  God is truth.  His Word is truth.  Satan is the father of lies.  You can’t trust everything you read, hear or see.  We must be like the Bereans, testing everything against the Word of God – aka Truth!  I’d love to share with you how this concept gelled in my brain.

While doing lots of research to discover the truth about a comment someone made to me that cooking in the microwave destroys nutritional value in food, I learned that you really can’t trust mainstream media.  They’re trying to sell you something and they will exploit your ignorance and insecurities to part you from your money or get your support for their cause.  Agendas are being pushed on us from every angle.  Lies are being told.  We need to be discerning.

Where would you go to discover the truth?  What does your Bible say about the microwave?  I searched my concordance high and low and couldn’t find a thing!  What I did find was Daniel asking not to eat the king’s food, but to have a diet of vegetables.  I read Ezekiel 4:9 which talks about sprouted grains – sorry Paleo Diet.  I read Acts where Peter receives a lesson in what’s okay to eat.

I’ve kind of stopped the research.  I’m leaning away from the article I read that microwaves destroy nutrition because it also stated that the Nazis invented the device to heat meals on the battlefield during WWII (WHAT?!?!?!?!).  I’m leaning more toward the article that says the microwave isn’t responsible for a significant amount of nutrition loss, water and heat have that designation.  I’ve read about how microwaves work (vibrating water molecules in food, causing friction and therefore, heat) and heard corroboration from professional engineers.  I may not get a straight answer about the microwave and nutrition until I get to heaven and I’m pretty positive that when I get there, I won’t even remember the question.

The point is this – step four in the battle plan:  Search the Scriptures daily.  Test everything against the Word of God!  “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”  Acts 17:11


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