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'I Choose You Today' | Deb DeArmond

I Choose You Today
by Deb DeArmond 
Abingdon Press 

How would your marriage change if you and your husband made the spoken declaration "I choose you" every day? Even when "for better or worse" is disappointing, we need to remind ourselves that love is a choice. And it's God's grace that makes that choice possible.
I Choose You Today offers 31 practical ways you can make love last, by choosing to:
*    Pursue your spouse
*    Challenge one another
*    Listen mindfully
*    Love fiercely
*    And twenty-seven other opportunities to choose wisely.
Deb DeArmond offers inspirational stories, conventional wisdom, and thought-provoking questions to help you explore your choices and commitments to each other . . . every day of your marriage.
Advanced Praise
"It's often been said that our choices define us. Deb DeArmond has provided a practical and insightful book detailing 31 choices we can make as husbands and wives that have the potential to transform even a good marriage-and make it a great one."
---Greg Smalley, Vice President of Family Ministry, Focus on the Family
"I Choose You Today gives us a clear roadmap to achieving great love with our spouse. Every couple-married or not-will benefit from reading this book."
---Meg Meeker, M.D., best-selling author and co-host of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk radio broadcast
"I Choose You Today is simply outstanding! It should be required reading for all young couples getting married or even those contemplating divorce. If you want a better marriage, this book is essential reading."
---Rick Johnson, best-selling author of Becoming Your Spouse's Better Half and Romancing Your Better Half

Books are available via paperback to US and Canadian bloggers and ebook everywhere --- please sign up in the sidebar.

 Meet the Author
Deb DeArmond is a highly sought-after executive coach and speaker. Known as a relationship and conflict resolution expert, Deb is dedicated to helping others build successful solutions to the challenges they face at home and at work. She is the co-founder of, a website for Christian women 50+.

Find Deb DeArmond online: website, Facebook, Twitter 

Here is my review of this wonderfully helpful book:

First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Deb DeArmond and her publisher for sending me a copy of "I Choose You Today" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me.
 "I Choose You Today” by Deb DeArmond is a great devotional:  31 chapters of choices to make to improve your relationship.  The chapters are short, but packed with practical application and activities to develop the habit of choosing your spouse and your marriage.  This book will make you a more thoughtful partner is you take the time to really absorb what is being taught.

I am personally using this book as a devotional and taking on one chapter a day – maybe even every OTHER day – to really solidify positive behaviors and understanding of concepts.  I’m also using it as a discussion springboard with my husband when we have our weekly lunch date to discuss what I’m reading and ask him about his thoughts on some of the topics.  In addition, I am planning to participate in the Challenge to tell my husband that I choose him daily during the month of February.  I recommend this book as a gift for self or others.


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