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Homiletics Genesis 18-19

17 April 2013

Contents:            Where?                  Mamre, Sodom, Zoar   Who?  Abraham, Sarah, Lot & family

 The Lord and 2 men appeared to Abraham who had Sarah prepare a meal and they ate and rested.
God said Sarah would have a child within the year and she laughed to herself so the Lord asked A why she laughed and Sarah denied laughing.
The men got up to leave and the Lord told Abraham what He was going to do because Sodom and Gomorrah’s sin was exceedingly great.
The men left and Abraham asked the Lord if He would sweep away the righteous and the Lord agreed to spare 50-45-40-30-20-10.
Lot met two angels in Sodom and urged them strongly to stay at his house.
The men of Sodom surrounded the house and demanded the visitors be brought out but Lot offered his two virgin daughters to them.
The men of Sodom threatened Lot and the visitors pulled him inside and struck the men blind.
The visitors told Lot to get his family out of Sodom because they’re going to destroy it, but Lot’s sons-in-law didn’t believe him.
In the morning, Lot hesitated to leave so the visitors grabbed his family and put them out of the city, telling them flee and don’t look back.
Lot said, “I cannot escape to the mountains,” wanting to go to a small city and the visitors told him to hurry to Zoar.
When they came to Zoar, the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, overthrowing the cities, but Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt.
Abraham stood before the Lord and looked at Sodom and Gomorrah and the Lord sent Lot out of the overthrow.
Lot left Zoar and went to the mountains where his daughters got him drunk and lay with him and conceived and bore Moab (Moabites) and Ben-Ammi (Ammon).



Abraham receives a promise and a prophecy.
When the Lord is with you, you should be hospitable.
Children are a gift from God.
God hears our mumblings and grumblings, our hearts and our thoughts.
Exceedingly great sin must be punished.
It’s OK – but not necessary – to bargain with God.
Lot’s family escapes Sodom and Gomorrah.
Angels protect God’s people.
Fathers should protect their children.
When an angel of the Lord instructs, you should do what they say.
Non-believers will be destroyed.
Lot’s daughters conceive and bear the Moabites and Ammonites
Wickedness will be overthrown.
Parents need to teach their children how to behave.
Waiting on God to bring you a mate is worth it.
Incest is wrong.


Subject Sentence:

Abraham is promised a child and Lot’s family flees Sodom.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMAT know that God is alive and actively protecting His people and judging wickedness.



Describe your demeanor when you know the Lord is with you.
In what way have you demonstrated to your children that they are a gift from God?
What action can you take to keep from mumbling and grumbling?
How do you protect your children?
What was the last instruction you received from the Lord and how did you respond?
What behaviors have your children learned from you?



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