This is my absolute favorite tour yet! Unio mystica means “mystical union”. Our mystical union with the infinite King of
the universe is the heart of our belief as Christians! We share a divine intimacy with the
Lord. Apart from Him, I am a dry stick
on the ground.
Because I am a believer, the infinite God of the universe
dwells in me! Do I act like I believe
this? Not really, no. How about you?
The topic of social laws was touched upon. There are “Unique and Particular” social laws
that apply to specific relationships.
These relationships are represented by the spheres at the top of the
temple drawing that has been shown and discussed throughout The Truth Project
study. There are “General and Universal”
social laws that apply to everything.
When we blur the social laws by applying the wrong law to the wrong
relationship, we distort God’s design.
For example, with regard to “labor”, a man refusing to work for a woman
and citing a verse about “family” is blurring the social laws that apply to
“labor” and “family” relationships.
Another potential danger is blurring the relationship
spheres themselves. For instance, if you
go to “church”, you may feel that you have satisfied the “God and man”
relationship. And, conversely, if you
enjoy “God and man” fellowship outside of “church”, you may think that you
don’t need to attend “church” at all. We
must know and apply the appropriate social laws to the proper relationship
Here is some phenomenal news about relationships: God has adopted us as sons, inviting us into
the Godhead because the Holy Spirit indwells us. HALLELUJAH!
He is interested in oneness.
What keeps us from intimacy?
Deep fellowship? Unity? Oneness? That is the root of our problem.
We need to remember and obey the Lord’s commands. When we don’t, we prostitute ourselves by
pursuing the lusts of our hearts and eyes.
We are hungry for significance. This is beautiful when it is satisfied within
a covenant relationship. But this hunger
has the potential to destroy us if we
attempt to satisfy this hunger outside
of a covenant relationship.