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Homiletics Genesis 49

30 April 2013

Contents:            Where?                  Egypt                                   Who?  Jacob, his sons

Jacob called unto his sons to gather so he may tell them what shall befall them.
Reuben, firstborn, Jacob’s might, excellency of dignity and power, unstable as water, shalt not excel because thou went to thy father’s bed and defiled it.
Simeon and Levi, instruments of cruelty, in their anger they slew a man, cursed be their anger and wrath, I will divide and scatter them.
Judah, thy father’s children shall bow before thee, a lion’s whelp, the scepter shall not depart from Judah, he washed his garments in wine, eyes red with wine and teeth white with milk.
Zebulun shall be a haven for ships and his border unto Zidon.
Issachar, strong ass crouching between two burdens, bowed his shoulder to bear and became a servant unto tribute.
Dan shall judge his people, be a serpent by the way that biteth the horse heels and his rider fall backwards.
I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD.
Gad, a troop shall overcome him, but he shall overcome.
Out of Asher, his bread shall be fat and he shall yield royal dainties.
Naphtali is a hind loosed, he giveth goodly words.
Joseph, a fruitful bough by a well, archers have grieved, shot and hated him, arms and hands made strong by God.
God shall help thee, bless thee with blessings from heaven, breasts and womb, thy father’s blessings shall be a crown on Joseph’s head.
Benjamin, ravin (plunder-act of violently seizing something) as wolf, shall devour prey in morning and divide spoils at night.
So he blessed the twelve tribes and he charged them to bury him in the cave of Machpelah Abraham bought from children of Heth where Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah and Leah are buried, and he was gathered to his people.



Jacob gathered his sons and blessed them.
Family gatherings change people.
Blessings change people.
Despite our strength, dignity and power, our instability can keep us from excelling.
Cruelty, anger and wrath will curse us.
Our fruitfulness may attract hatred.
God helps and blesses us.
Jacob was gathered to his people.
How we leave this world will be remembered.


Subject Sentence:

Jacob gathered and blessed his sons and gave burial instructions.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMAT desire to bless others with their actions and their words and resolve to take specific action to do that.



What is the greatest blessing you’ve received from a family gathering?
What prophetic words have been spoken over you and how did those words affect your behavior?
What prophetic words would you have wanted spoken over you?
What prophetic words have you spoken over others?
Would the prophetic words you’ve spoken be considered curse or blessing and why?
For what or whom are you a haven?
Whom do you serve?
According to God’s Word, whom will you judge?
In what way have you waited for the Lord’s salvation?
What have you overcome/are you overcoming with the Lord’s help?
What goodly words have you given and to whom?
In what ways are you fruitful?
How have your arms and hands been made strong by God?
How has God helped and blessed you?
How might the blessings of your father be a crown for your head?
For what do you want to be remembered?
What would you like your last words to be?
Of what would you like your final thoughts to be?
Under what circumstances might you give or receive burial instructions?
Do you have specific burial instructions to be carried out for you or a loved one?
Should we or shouldn’t we be concerned about our burial arrangements and why?



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