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Homiletics: Romans 2

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                  To Rome, from Corinth                                Who?  Paul, Roman Church

You have no excuse, you pass judgment on someone, whatever pt you judge, you condemn self bec you do same.
God’s judgmt based on truth; when you pass judgmt yet do same, you think you escape G’s judgmt?
Do you show contempt for His kindness, forbearance, patience, not realizing intended to lead you to repentance?
Bec of your stubbornness/unrepentant heart, you storing up wrath for day of G’s wrath when His righteous judgmt revealed; G repay each according to what they done.
To those doing good, seek glory/honor/immortality, He give eternal life; those self-seeking who reject truth/follow evil, there be wrath/anger.
There trouble/distress for who does evil, 1st Jew then Gent; glory/honor/peace for who does good, 1st Jew then Gent; G not show favoritism.
All who sin apart frm law perish apart frm law; all who sin under law judged by law; not those who hear law righteous in G’s sight but those who obey.
When Gents who have not law do (by nature) law, they are law for selves; they show law written on their hearts, consciences bearing witness, thoughts accusing/defending; this take place when G judges people’s secrets thru Christ.
If you call self Jew, rely on law, boast in G, know His will, approve what’s superior bec instructed by law, convinced you guide blind, you light for those in dark, instruct foolish, teach children bec you have law, do you not teach self; you who preach against stealing, do you steal?
You who say people not commit adultery, do you commit; you who abhor idols, do you rob temples: you who boast in law, do you dishonor G by breaking; it written, G’s name blasphemed among Gents bec of you.
Circumcision has value if observe law, if break you become as not circ; so if those not circ keep law, they regarded as circ.
The one not circ physically yet obeys will condemn you who have code and circumcision.
Person not Jew only outwardly; nor circ merely outward & physical; person=Jew inwardly; circ=of heart, by Spirit not code; such a person’s praise not from people, but G.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

Man’s Judgment v. God’s Judgment
God’s judgment is righteous and true but man’s judgment condemns himself.
Jews v. Gentiles
God’s people obey the law and are circumcised spiritually regardless of their state of physical circumcision.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

God’s judgment is based on truth, not physical circumcision.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMATK Membership in God’s family is not based on being physically circumcised and having the law, but on hearts, where God places the law and circumcises us spiritually.



How might you curb your judgment of others?
If you continue to judge others as you do, how might you be judged?
What truth is God’s judgment based on?
Define forbearance.
In what way are God’s kindness, forbearance and patience considered riches?
How do God’s kindness, forbearance and patience lead people to repentance?
What will you do to remove stubbornness and unrepentance from your heart?
What might you say to someone who rejects truth to encourage them to do good?
What Scriptures might you refer to support the fact that God doesn’t show favoritism?
How might someone obey the law if they are not under it?
Explain the relationship Gentiles have to the law.
How do you feel, and what changes will you make, knowing that God will judge your secrets?
How might you pray for (and counsel) someone who teaches one thing but does another?
In what way are you obedient to keep God’s law?
How does the Gentile condemn the Jew according to Romans 2:27?
Describe the difference between being a Jew outwardly and being one inwardly.



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