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Homiletics - Mark 3

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1.J synagogue shrivld hand;some lookg reason accuse,watched closely;J2man:stand(3:1-3)

2.J2them:which lawful do good/evil? silent;anger,distressed,2man:stretch out,restored(4-5)

3.Phar plot Herodians kill J(6)


4.J w/d disc lake,crowd followd;many came;J told disc boat ready;those w/diseases pushing(7-10)

5.impure spirits:SoG;strict orders not tell(11-12)

6.J mountainside called those He wanted;appointed 12 be w/Him, preach;drive out demons(13-15)

7.Simon (Peter);James, John (sons of thunder);Andrew, Philip, Bartholemew, Thomas(16-18a)

8.James son of Alphaeus, Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas(18b-19)


9.J house crowd gathered;fam heard:He out of mind;teachers of law:he is possessed(20-22)

10.J:how Satan drive out Satan? Kingdom divided stand;house divided stand;Satan divided stand(23-26)

11.no1 enter strong man’s house w/o tying up(27)

12.ppl can forgivn all sins;whoever blasphemes HS nvr forgivn;bec they say he has impure spirit(28-30)

13.J’s mother brothers arrived;mother brothers looking 4u;who my mother brothers?(31-33)

14.those seated, here my mother brothers;whoever does God’s will mother brothers(34-35)








Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Jesus heals a man with a shriveled hand on the Sabbath (3:1-6)

Principle:  God created the Sabbath for good.

2.Jesus chooses the twelve disciples (3:7-19)

Principle:  God chooses His people.

3.Jesus teaches that a house divided cannot stand and that those who do God’s will are His family (3:20-35)

Principle:  God’s people are unified and obedient.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Jesus heals, chooses disciples and identifies family by their obedience.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK Jesus, the Doer of good, chooses His people who will be known by their obedience to God.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.How are you being encouraged by healing you’ve received from Jesus in spite of others not encouraging you in this area?

2.How are your circle of friends encouraging you and holding you accountable?

3.What areas of your life are divide and how can you bring those areas under the lordship of Christ?


Pastor Matt:

Jesus is bringing the man into the light.  This was a plot that was schemed by evil men, so Jesus brought the man out of darkness.  Then He questions the plotters.  He knew they had killing on their minds.


Ooh, to know the good we are to do and not do it is evil.  We call it apathy or complacency.  OUCH!


Jesus was angered by the hardening of their hearts, but He was grieved for them because He loved them.


When I do what Jesus says, a miracle happens.  He may not heal me in this life.


Pharisees had no compassion.  Mercy is the exception.  The wages of sin is death.  That’s the rules.  God so loved the world that He gave His only Son…


Jesus’ holy purity was constantly burnt by the fire of sin wherever He went.


Blaspheming the Holy Spirit.  Ascribing what the HS does to the devil.  Rejection of salvation.




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