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Homiletics Genesis 25-28


Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1.A wife Keturah;sons;A left everything Isaac;gifts2sons sent east;A 175y;died;Is/Ish buried w/S(25:1-10)

2.G bless Is;acct Ish ;sons;12 tribal rulers;Ish 137y died;lived hostility tribes related(11-18)

3.acct Is;40y Rebekah;prayed,Reb preg;babies jostled,she inquired;L:2nations womb;twin boys(19-24)

4.1st red Esau;heel Jacob,Is 60y;Esau hunter Jacob home;Is lv E,Reb lv Jac;Jac cooking E famished(25-29) have stew;sell birthright;what good is brithright;swear,swore;E despised birthright(30-34)


6.famine Is2Phil Gerar;L:not go Egypt;stay,I bless,gv lands;bec A obeyed;Is stayed Gerar(26:1-6)

7.wife=sister afraid kill;king saw Is caressing;she wife;what you done;any1 harm man/wife,death(7-11)

8.Is crops L blessed;rich;flocks,herd,svts;wells Phil fill earth;Abim:move;Is moved;reopen wells(12-18)

9.svts dug well;herders quarreled;dug another, quarreled;moved, dug another,quarrel;Beersheba(19-23)

10.L appeard,Is altar;Abim come;Is:why;L w/you,agreemt;you harm;Is feast;swore,went peaceful(24-31)

11.svts well;called Shibah;Esau 40y m Judith/Basemath;grief Is/Reb(32-35)


12.Is old Esau;go hunt;prep food,gv blessg;Reb listening;2Jac:listen;bring goats;you blessg(27:1-10)

13.E hairy,I smooth;I appear trickg;Reb:curse me:he went;clothes E on Jac;cover hands goatskins(11-16)

14.handed Jac food;Father,Who is it;E,eat,gv blessg;quickly,L gv success;I touch;voce Jac,hands E(17-22)

15.bless,u really E?;bring game;cm kiss;smell;G gv abundance;Esau cm;who u;I blessd;bless me(23-34)

16.bro took;reserved blessing for me;him lord;one blessg;serve;E grudge Jac;Reb:E plan avenge(35-42)

17.flee Laban Harran;stay;I’ll send for you;Reb2Is:Jac wife Hittites(43-46)


18.Is:marry Canaanite;get wife from Laban;God bless;descendants,land;sent Jac;E married(28:1-9)

19.Jac Harran;stopped;dream stairway;L:gv land;desc dust earth;w/you;L this place;gate heaven(10-17)

20.Jac stone oil;Bethel;vow;L be my G;this stone G’s house(18-22)


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Abraham dies and Isaac and Rebekah’s oldest twin sells his birthright for stew (Genesis 25)

Principle:  God’s people do not live by bread alone.

2.Isaac endures famine and Philistine conflict and is grieved by oldest son’s marriages (Genesis 26)

Principle:  God’s people are not to be unequally yoked.

3.Isaac is deceived and gives Jacob Esau’s blessing (Genesis 27)

Principle:  God’s people are to know the truth so they will not be deceived.

4.Jacob dreams of the Lord on the way to Harran (Genesis 28)

Principle:  God’s people need remembrances of meeting the Lord.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Rebekah bears twins, Esau sells birthright, marries Canaanites; Isaac blesses Jacob, who dreams of stairway flees.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, Desire etc.):

TCMATK God reveals in Scripture how to live an abundant life.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.What am I currently taking for granted that I should treasure, and how do I plan to gain the proper perspective?  (P. Matt: What am I willing to give up spiritually to gratify my flesh?)

2.How can I nurture my marriage and the other partnerships around me and also pray for the relationships of those in my sphere of influence?

3.How might I protect myself and those around me from being deceived?  (P. Matt: How attached are you to your Esau (flesh)?)

4.What am I doing to remember and act on what the Lord is teaching me?


P Matt

Gen 25

Look for Jesus in the OT.  It will make the stories more exciting because Jesus is exciting.

We are the espoused bride of Christ.

Abraham lived 35 years after Isaac married Rebekah and had 6 more sons in his old age.  The sons of Midian.

Midian – Moses dwelt in Midian and married a Midianite woman.

All had been given to Isaac.  All things are placed under the authority of Jesus Christ.

Abraham died when Esau and Jacob were about 15 years old.

Luke 15 – story of rich man, Lazarus.

Many people are sluggish in their spiritual walk.

Joktan – descendant of Shem.  1st inhabitants of Arab peninsula area of the Middle East.  Ishmael’s descendants joined the Arab nations.

Why was Rebekah barren?  Picture of us, the barren Bride of Christ who cannot bear fruit apart from Christ.

Jesus is able to save to the uttermost and the guttermost. – J. Vernon McGee

Isaac prays for Rebekah as Jesus prays for us.

Rebekah bears two different types of people.  Two different natures.  Gal 5:16-23

The flesh is not going to inherit the kingdom.

The fruit of the spirit is how we should live.  But my life is a mixture of both.

Because of my position in Christ, my flesh is put to death.  My two natures are at war – just like the twins jostled in Rebekah’s womb.

First birth is the weak birth, the flesh.  Esau is the flesh.  Heb 12

*What am I willing to give up spiritually to gratify my flesh?

There was no repentance found in Esau.  He wept and cried, but didn‘t repent.  Judas wept but didn’t repent.  Peter wept and repented.

Jacob wanted that blessing.

If the old nature is getting the better of you, pray.

We are set back by walking in the flesh.  It’s not a disqualification.  But it makes it hard to run.


Gen 26

Trials remind us of our need.

Isaac goes through something very similar to what his father went through.

When the Lord says, “no,” stay put.

Our kids learn from us.

Don’t be afraid of the truth.

Satan hates you!  He doesn’t want the living water of the Word flowing in your life!

I need the water of the Word every day!

If you are comfortable with complacency, you are heading toward calamity.

You can’t let the world stop you from digging another well.  Keep digging.  Dig deep.

Small minded people don’t treat others (esp enemies) with grace.

Esau marries two Hittite women to cause grief to his parents.


Gen 27

God’s Word is about the second birth!

Esau was a hunter.

Isaac wanted meat.

Isaac intends to give the blessing to Esau even though he knows the blessing should go to Jacob.

The flesh is our favorite son.

Isaac wants to bless Esau for bringing him flesh.

When you’re in the flesh, your life stinks.  But sometimes you like the smell.

You can’t nullify God’s promise by blowing it.  God is going to fulfill His promise!  You’re not making it to heaven because of anything you’re doing.  You’re making it because God has overridden anything you’ve ever done.  You’re making it because of Christ.

When Satan accuses you, he’s telling the truth!  But Christ overrides him!

Is Isaac trembling because he realizes he went against God’s plan?

Isaac was filled with Jacob’s goat meat.  There is no room for the meal Esau bought.  When we are filled with the Spirit, there is no room for the flesh!

So many of us want what we can get from God, but we don’t want God.  We want the blessing, but not to be the sort of person God can bless.

Rom 13:14 – we are not supposed to reserve a blessing for the flesh!

You can’t experience an encounter for the flesh unless you make provision for it.

Get rid of it!  Don’t provide for the flesh.

“you shall be away from the fatness and away from the dew of heaven”

One day, we will say “good riddance” to our Esau.

*How attached are you to your Esau?

Your natural man will never appreciate your spiritual man.

God will deal with it!  “Get your hands off and let Me be God!”


Gen 28

What happens when your Esau sees your Jacob blessed?

You cannot bless your flesh.

You cannot spiritualize the flesh.

When Esau sees Jacob blessed, he goes to Ishmael for another wife.

All your flesh can do is go to more flesh.

Don’t work on the flesh!  Kill it!!!

Stairway to heaven = Jesus Christ

How sweet is it when the Lord speaks to you, declares His love for you, reminds you that He will never let you go?

The narrow gate is the stairway to heaven.

I need to see Christ as my Savior in this place of desperation!

When you’re troubled, do you complain?  Or do you talk to the Lord about it?  This trouble could be anointed to transform you.  This is “big boy” teaching.

Worship God when you discover those places.  Maybe you’ll rename them.

Be a cheerful giver.

The rock pillows can be a blessing.

Don’t be a blamer.

God uses places of stress.

God is interested in molding our character and helping us grow.


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