Content (not
sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
1.Beginning good news Jesus; Isaiah:I send messenger
ahead;voice calling desert:prepare way L(1-4)
2.Jn Baptist baptism repentance;Judean ctrysd/Jerus
confessing,baptized Jordan rvr(5)
3.Jn wore camel’s hair, leather, ate locusts, honey;msg:one
more powerful;I baptize water,He HS(6-8)
4.Jesus came Naz,bap by Jn;J cm out water hvn open Spirit
desc dove;voice:Son well pleased(9-11)
5.Spirit sent wilderness;40d tempted Satan w/wild animals
angels attend(12-13)
6.After Jn prison, J Galilee good news;koG cm near,repent
7.J saw Simon Andrew;cm follow fish ppl;they left
nets,followed;Jas/Jn;He called,they left father(16-20)
8.Capernaum Sabbath J synagogue teach;ppl amazed authority,not
as teachers law(21-22)
9. man poss:what want J? Destroy us? Holy One G! Quiet!
Come out! Impure spirit came out(23-26)
10.ppl amazed:new teaching authority impure spirits
obey;news spread Galilee(27-28)
11.left synagogue w/Jas&Jn to home Simon/And;Sim MIL
fever told J;helped her up,fever left(29-31)
12.after sunset ppl brought sick, dem-poss;whole town
gathered;J healed,drove out dem, speak(32-34)
13.vy early J solitary pl prayed;Sim/companions
lk4Him:every1 lk4u;J:go villages preach;Galilee(35-39) leprosy:willing clean;J
indignant,willing:clean;immed leprosy left;J:don’t tell,show priests(40-44)
15.He spread news;J no enter town openly stayed lonely
places, ppl still came(45)
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
1.John the Baptist prepares the way (Mark 1:1-8)
Principle: God calls His people to prepare the way for
His Son.
2.Jesus’ baptism, temptation and calling of first
disciples (Mark 1:9-20)
Principle: God prepares His Son to impact the world.
3.Jesus’ teaching, healing and prayer (Mark 21-45)
Principle: Jesus impacts the world through interaction
with God and man.
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Jesus calls disciples, teaches, heals and prays after
John’s preparation.
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):
TCMATK God has called us to prepare the way for Jesus in
the lives of others and has given us the example of Christ to follow.
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
heart change):
1.What preparations have you made for Jesus to enter your
life each day? How have you prepared the
way for Jesus to enter the lives of others?
What motivates you to share Jesus with others? How will you tap into that motivation this
week to share Him with at least one other person? Who will that person be?
2.How are you preparing yourself to impact the world in
the name of Jesus? What do you need to
do to prepare yourself to resist temptation?
Who are the people in your “support system”? How do you encourage and motivate each other
to keep going in the face of adversity?
3.What is Jesus teaching you in this passage and how will
you apply it? How is Jesus healing the
broken places of your life? How will you
encourage healing in the lives of others?
Where do you need the Holy Spirit to improve your prayer life? How will you cooperate with Him to draw
closer to Jesus?
John Mark. Nephew
of Barnabus. Confrontation of ministry
too much? Ran home. Paul and Barnabus split over Mark. Paul later acknowledged Mark’s value to
himself (Timothy).
Harmony of the Gospels
Matthew – Christ as King
Mark – Christ as Servant (10:45 key verse)
Luke – Christ’s as Man, His humanity
John – Christ as God
Mark gets right down to business.
John preached, “Repent” and he baptized Jews.
Culturally, Jews didn’t need baptism. Gentiles needed to be baptized into Judaism.
John’s baptism: repent of your sin.
The One that’s coming will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
Paul asked Christians where he observed something
missing: “Have you received the Holy Spirit?”
They were saved, but not empowered.
They had received John’s baptism of repentance in water. These two baptisms don’t always happen at the
same time.
Jesus told his disciples to wait for the baptism of the
Holy Spirit.
Peter and John going up to Samaria.
Acts 10 – Peter at Cornelius’ house. Gentiles baptized by the HS before being
baptized in water for repentance.
The Trinity appears at Jesus’ baptism. Jesus, Holy Spirit in form of dove, Father’s
The Holy Spirit led Jesus throughout His entire ministry.
Temptation was just like the temptation in the Garden of
Eden. Adam and Eve said, “OK.” Jesus said, “No way.” Jesus passed the test.
John fulfilled his purpose. And passes out of the scene. Goes to prison. Eventually loses his head. Whatever you lose for Jesus, you’ll never be
Believe and repent are BOTH necessary for salvation! There must be heart change AND action. Repentance w/o belief is religion.
The Good News told the Good News. J
John 1:35-42 – Andrew and Simon met Jesus before He
called them to follow Him. When you have
a second encounter with Christ, He will call you. Immediately, the disciples left their nets,
livelihood. Seven of the 12 were
The power is in immediacy. Procrastination is rejection of the word!
Synagogues were little fellowship gathering places run by
laymen of the town. People could come in
and teach. People were astonished by His
teaching, His authority. Not like the
scribes – ouch! They never heard the
word of God taught with authority. That
synagogue was a breeding ground for unclean spirits. Nobody knew he was there. When an unclean spirit hears the word of God
taught with authority, it will drive a demon crazy! There is resistance. A person’s response to the Word of God being
taught with authority can be just like this demon-possessed man! These demons are in the church! This was an exciting day in Capernaum. The demon knew and feared Jesus. Yet he was lost. Why was the demon there?
My response to God’s word reveals my condition.
Demons must obey Jesus!
Jesus can rebuke the uncleanness in me.
I must surrender to God, resist the devil and he will flee. When we have a problem with uncleanness, we
are surrendering to the devil and resisting God in that area.
Don’t let the demons talk! Anyone who doesn’t know Jesus has no business
speaking about Him! Jesus didn’t want
the demons talking about Him because of misrepresentation. Isn’t it just like the demonic to shift the
word of God slightly. We need to tell
the demons to quit talking!
Go be with God.
Jesus ministered most of the night and He’s up before dawn to spend time
with God!
Jesus came to preach.
He did other things, but He came to preach. He preached in the synagogues and more demons
came out and were cast out. Lord, cast
the demons out of the Church. Empower my
Pastor to preach with Your authority.
May that authority reveal where the demons are sitting and rile them up
so they go away. Prepare the Pastor You
have to succeed Pastor Hoyt and fill him with the empowerment to preach with
Your authority.
Jesus touches and speaks.