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Homiletics Genesis 19-21


Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1.angels Sodom eve,Lot gateway,bowed;L:house,wash,spend nt,spend night square;insisted(19:1-3) surr house;men bring sex;Lot outside;no friends,wicked;daughters;pressure Lot mv fwd(4-9)

3.pulled Lot in house;struck men at door blindness;anyone else, get out;L sent us destroy(10-13)

4.Lot spoke sons-in-law;dawn, angels:hurry;he,wife,2dtrs, L merciful;flee;pls no;I can’t flee mts(14-19);very well;quickly Zoar;sun risen;L rained burning sulphur Sod/Gom;overthrew;wife salt(20-26)


6.early next am Abe b4L;lookd Sod/Gom smoke;G destroyed, brought Lot out;Lot dtrs settled mts(27-30)

7.older dtr2younger:no men;sleep with fr;fr drink older dtr,tonight you go;fr drink younger sleep(31-35)

8.daughters pregnant;older son Moab;younger son Ben-Ammi Ammonites(36-38)

9.Abe2Gerar;Sarah sis Abimelech took;Abim dream married wm;Abim:L destroy innoct nation(20:1-4)

10.I clr conscience/hands;G:I know;retn man’s wife;next morn Abim told;Abim2Abe:what reason(5-10)

11.Abe they kill b/c wife;she dtr my fr;say he bro;Abim2Abe sheep,cattle,Sarah;live wherever(11-15) bro 1000 silver4offense;Abe prayed,Abim healed,have children again(16-18)


13.L gracious Sarah;pregnant;Isaac;8d circ;Abe 100;Sarah laughter;son old age;day weaned feast(21:1-8)

14.Sarah saw son Hagar mocking;get rid slave/son;distressed Abe;G:don’t be distressed(9-12)

15.nation also;early next am Abe food/water Hagar;water gone boy bushes;can’t watch boy die(13-16)

16.G heard boy,what matter Hagar;take boy grt nation;opened eyes saw well;G with boy archer(17-20) got wife Egypt(21)


18.Abim&Phicol2Abe:G w/u;swear deal falsely;I swear;A complaind abt well(22-25)

19.I don’t know;treaty;Abe 7 ewe lambs;Abim:what meaning;accept as witness I dug(26-30)

20.Beersheba oath;Abim&Phicol ret’d land Philistines;Abe plantd tamarisk;stayd land Phil long(31-34)


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.The Lord sends angels to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah (19:1-26)

Principle:  The Lord delays judgment to the last moment.

2.Lot’s daughters become pregnant and Abraham fears being killed because of Sarah (19:27-20:18)

Principle:  Fearful reactions are not part of God’s plans.

3.Sarah weans Isaac and Hagar and Ishmael are sent away (21:1-21)


4.Abraham’s well (21:22-34)



Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

God destroys Sodom, Gomorrah, saves Lot; Isaac comes, Ishmael goes.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, Desire etc.):

TCMATK God is trustworthy and His people need not fear.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.Where are you relying on God’s mercy to delay judgment?  How will you give that are over to His Lordship today?

2.How will you give God control over your responses rather than allowing fear to control you?

3.What needs to change in your thinking to help you live at peace with others (in this time of protest)?

4.How will you invite God into your dealings (treaties) with others?

Pastor Matt – Gen 19

In the last days, there will be a rise in immorality.  Pastor Matt thought so when he spoke this sermon.  And it’s even moreso today.

Sodom – city by Dead Sea; not about geographical location, but about a heart condition; condition = rebellion

The angels didn’t want to enter Lot’s house because he wasn’t in fellowship with God.  “Feast” of unleavened bread.  This is a far cry from what Abraham offered.  Lot doesn’t have much to offer.  He’s lived in Sodom in compromise.  It’s ruined his children, his life.  What is my offering for the Lord?  It’s going to depend on my fellowship with the Lord.  Many Christians are saved but not separated.  You need to leave worldliness behind.

Lot calls the townsmen “brothers” and offers his daughters to be gang-raped.  Sometimes we choose the lesser of two evils when we should choose neither.

Compromise is a way of life for Lot!  I see this attitude in myself – I’ve said this about how I’ve voted in political elections.

When you try to make friends with the world, it will turn on you.  We should have an effect on this world for Christ.

We can’t pick and choose what sins we condemn.

Four daughters?

Lot lingered…procrastinated…because he’s used to lingering.

Oh, my!  I’m a lingerer, a procrastinator, a compromiser!

The angels grab Lot in God’s mercy and drag him out of there.  If God didn’t grab me, I would linger to my ruin!

“Going up to the mountain” is a picture of Calvary.

The removal of Lot before the destruction of Sodom is a beautiful picture of the rapture.


Gen 20

Our intimate fellowship with God gets left behind when we go to visit Egypt.

Here we go again: “she’s my sister”

Who’s the saint here?  Abraham who is moving out into the world and doing as the world does – or – Abimelech who is worldly but behaving better than Abraham?

A half-truth = a whole lie

Children follow in their parent’s footsteps.  Mentees follow in their mentor’s footsteps.

God uses us in spite of our failings and weakness.


Gen 21

Gal 4:22 - Paul teaches the OT shows spiritual truth in pictures (allegory)

Allegory pictures Abraham as Faith, Hagar as the Law, Sarah as Grace.  Ishmael is the Flesh (human effort to accomplish godly power), Isaac is the Spirit.  Natural comes before the Spirit.  Ishmael mocking Isaac – the nature of the flesh is revealed when the Spirit is birthed.  Grace steps in when the flesh wars with the Spirit. Grace says to Faith: cast out the Law and the Flesh.  The Law and Faith are diametrically opposed to each other.

Isn’t it unfair of Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away with very little provision?  Rom 13:14 – make no provision for the flesh.

The Flesh doesn’t go anywhere unless we send it by Faith.  The Flesh lives in the wilderness (barren, hot, dry).  The wife of the Flesh is Egypt.  God will allow it to live, but He will not allow it to be fruitful.  The Arab nations have a lot of oil, but if you go to the middle east, you’ll see the fruit they produce: hatred, oppression.

Gal 5 – how to apply this reality.  You are free in Christ.  How do I apply?  Stand fast in the liberty.  Don’t wander off to Egypt or Gerar.  Stay in Hebron, Mamre.

2 Cor 10:3 – How you walk in the Spirit – Take thoughts captive for Christ.  You imagine something and that’s where you go…

You need water for fruit to grow.

After fruit-bearing comes the test…next week – Chapter 22.



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