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Homiletics Genesis 16-18


Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1.Sarai children,Egyptian slave Hagar;2A:sleep slave bld fam,A agreed;Canaan 10y,Hagar wife(16:1-3)

2.H conceived,despised mistress;S2A:slave despises;A:do whatever,S mistreat,H fled,aoL found H(4-7)

3.he:H ou cm from/going,running;go back,submit;incr desc;son Ishmael;wild,v evry1;One sees me(8-13)

4.Beer Lahai Roi betw Kadesh/Bered;H son, A named Ishmael;A 86yo(14-16)


5.A 99yo, L appeared;cov increase #s;A fell facedown;fr many nations;Abraham;kings cm from u(17:1-6)

6.everlastg cov me-desc;land everlastg poss;u/desc keep cov;every male circ;circ sign(7-11)

7.8do circ born/bought;uncirc cut off;Sarah;son;A facedn laughd;Ishmael blessing;y but Isaac cov(12-19)

8.Ishmael bless fruitful great;Isaac cov;fin spk;that day A every male circ;A 99yo circ;Ish 13yo(20-25)

9.A&Ish circ same day;every male born bought circ(26-27)


10.L appeared near Mamre;A saw 3 men;pass svt by;wash feet rest;eat refresh, very well(18:1-5)

11.2S:quick bread;selected calf svt prepare;curds,milk,calf ate;where S;next year son,S listening(6-10)

12.S past age childbearing;S laughed2self;L2A:why S laugh;anything2hard;S:not laugh(11-15) lv looked Sodom;L hide about do?A grt pwrfl nation;chosen, will dir children(16-19)

14.Sodom Gomorrah sin grievous;I go see;A stay;sweep rteous w/wckd;50 ppl;Judge do rt(20-25)

15.L:50 spare;A:45,destroy;40, not do it;30, will not;20,destroy;10, destroy;L left,A home(26-33)







Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Sarai gives Hagar to Abram (Genesis 16)

Principle:  The Lord’s ways are not our ways.

2.The Lord reveals the covenant sign and promise (Genesis 17)

Principle:  The Lord’s people are marked by circumcision.

3.The Lord promises a son and reveals plans for Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18)

Principle:  The Lord uses conversation with Him to align our thinking with His.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Hagar conceives; Abram circumcises; God promises Isaac and Sodom destruction.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, Desire etc.):

TCMATK the best way to do anything is God’s way.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.In what areas are you being tempted to take matters into your own hands rather than doing things God’s way or even seeking His will?

2.Where has your thinking and activity become more godly as a result of God’s circumcision of your heart?

3.How is your Bible study and prayer life transforming your thinking to be more in alignment with God’s?

Pastor Matt – Gen 16

Chapter 15 is the chapter of faith; chapter 16 is the chapter of unbelief.

We all have these chapters.  And they’re often back-to-back.

Faith is NOT manipulating

Everyone in this story fails

The husband is supposed to be the spiritual leader.  Here, the woman is manipulating and the husband is letting her.

There are lots of people running around fragmented because of multiple sexual partners.

Firstborn is the fruit of the flesh.  Second born is of the promise.

Abram is to blame because he shouldn’t have listened to his wife in the first place.  He should’ve taken the spiritual lead.

Abram=faith; Sarai=grace; Hagar=the law

Faith+the law=the flesh

Faith+grace=the spirit

In the last verse of chapter 16, Abram is 86 years old and Ishmael is born.  In the first verse of chapter 17, Abram is 99 and the Lord is appearing to him.  What was happening during those 13 years?

If you sow things of the spirit, you will reap the spirit.  If you sow the flesh, you will reap the flesh.

Was Abram sowing the flesh?  Was he not hearing from God?

Whatever things of the flesh are overtaking you, confess and repent.  You may still have consequences, but you’re on your way to being free.


Gen 17

Sarah’s womb is a tomb.  It was dead.

We need to be overwhelmed by God!

New names in this chapter:  El Shaddai, Abraham, Sarah

Circumcision – an outward work in an inward part

Col 2:11 – circumcision without hands

Phil 3:3 – we are the circumcision

Having no confidence in the flesh

Abraham is hanging onto the flesh


Gen 18

Abraham’s laugh was one of joy.  Sarah’s was one of disbelief.  Because of her barrenness, she was sure she would never have a child.

If I base God’s capability upon my ability, I suffer from unbelief, too.

NOTHING is too hard for the Lord!

Abraham knows Sodom is ripe for destruction.

Abraham knows Lot is righteous because he believes in God.

Everybody can pray.  Yet, it’s the most neglected.

Prayer is not a gift, it’s a privilege.

Samuel Chadwick – “The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying.  He fears nothing from prayerless studies or prayerless work or prayerless religion.  He laughs at our toil.  He mocks our wisdom.  But he trembles when we pray.”

The one thing that causes the devil to tremble is within the capacity of every single believer.  And if we’d pray, Satan would flee.

Abraham is digging deeper into the heart of God.

God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked.  God wants no one to perish.

As Abraham keeps digging, he finds this to be so.

There is true judgment for the world coming.

Father, please make me the kind of person who will pray for the lost and want to see them saved.


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