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Homiletics: Hebrews 8-10

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

8:1-3 we hv HP sat rt Majesty,ministr true tab;evry HP apptd offr gifts/sacrfcs T4 necss this P smtg2offr

4-6 if He on earth,P,those offrg gifts serv cp/shadow;J obtaind superior min,better cov/promises

7-10 if 1st cov faultlss,no occasion4 2nd;days cming I mk new cov Is/Jud;lk ancestrs;laws in minds/hrts;I G

11-13 All will know Me;I will4gv wrongdoing,nvr remem sins;1st cov obs,abt2pass away


9:1-5 1st cov,tab,holy plc-lamp,tbl,loaves;MHP incense,ark-manna,staff,tablets,cherubm shadw mrcy st

6-10 P entr 1st rm rptdly;HP entr 2nd 1/yr,w/o blod;HS mk clr way in2 MHP disclosd;symbl4pres;phys regs

11-15 C=HP mo prfct tab,entr MHP own blod,cleans so we srv livg G;He medi8r new cov,calld rec inherit

16-22 will valid when ppl die;that why 1st cov inaug w/blod;w/o blod,forgvness

23-28 T4 cp purfd w/scrfcs but hvnly purfd w/bettr sacrfcs;C entr hvn;offr 1xrem sin;appr 2ndx2brng salv


10:1-4 Law shadw gd thngs2cm,can’t perfect wrshprs;sacrfcs remndr sins;imposs blod bull/goat tk sins

5-7 T4 as He cm:U desire sacrfc,prep body4me;U delight offrngs;I cm2do ur will

8-10 aftr “u desire/delght scrfcs”,”I cm do ur will”;He tk away 1st2estab2nd;by will we sanctfd once4all x

11-13 evry P offrng scrfcs nvr tk sins;this man aftr offrng1scrfc4sins4evr sat rt hd G;waitg enmies ftstool

14-18 By1offrng,prfctd4evr sanctfd;HS testfies:I put laws♥/minds,nvr remem sins;4gvnss,offrng4sin

19-23 T4 He inaug way thru curtain (flesh);we hv grt HP;let’s draw near,hold2confssn hope,He faithful

24-27 let’s provk lv/gd wks,neglct gathr,encourg;if go on sinng,scrfc,expct jdgmt/fury/fire consm advrsris

28-30 any1 disrgrd law died w/o mercy;wrse punishmt who trampld SoG,insultd Spirit grace;L will judge

31-34 terrfyng2fall into hds G;remem aftr enlghtnd,endurd suffrngs;afflict/companions,accpt w/joy

35-37 throw away confdnc,u need endurance so u rec promised;lil while Coming One cm,delay

38-39 rteous1 live by faith,if draws bk,no pleasure in him;those draw bk destryd;those hv faith saved


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Our High Priest and God’s new covenant (Hebrews 8)

Principle:  Jesus brings newness and intimacy to our relationship with God.

2.The Old (1st) Covenant and the New (2nd) Covenant (Hebrews 9)

Principle:  Jesus brings a better covenant of permanent salvation.

3.The Law Points to the Perfect Offering Who Saves (Hebrews 10)

Principle:  Jesus brings fulfillment to the law and salvation to His people.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

High Priest Jesus’ new covenant saves by faith not law.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, Desire etc.):

TCMATK The new covenant is what secures our salvation, not our obedience to the law.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.In what areas of your thinking are you clinging to past patterns rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to renew your mind?

2.How should your life better reflect the truth of the security of your salvation?

3.How will you cling to faith-based rather than works-based ideas of salvation?


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