Content (not
sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
1.human increase#;sons G saw dtrs hum beaut,
married;L:humans mortal,120y;Nephilim,heroes(6:1-4)
2.L saw wckdness;regretted He md humans;Noah
favor;rteous,walkd faithfully,3 sons(5-10) corrupt, violence;G2N:I end ppl,destroy earth;mk
ark cypress rooms coat pitch in/out(11-14)
4.300 cu l,50 cu w,30 cu h;below roof opening 1 cu h;door
side;lower,middle,upper decks(15-16)
5.I bring floodwaters,everything perish;covenant you sons
wives;2 all living creatures,food, N did(17-22)
6.Go you fam;tk 7pair every clean animal,1pair every
unclean m/f;7d send rain 40d/n;Noah did(7:1-5)
7.Noah 600y flood;N,sons,wives enter ark,animals
came,entered;after7d floodwaters came(6-10)
8.600th y N,17d2m floodgates open,rain fell
40d/n;that d Noah,fam,animals enterd ark,G shut in(11-16)
9.40d flood kept cming,ark floated,mtns covered>15
cu;everything land died;earth flooded 150d(17-24)
10.G wind;springs closd rain stopd;150d water down;17d7m
ark rest Ararat;1d10m top mt visible(8:1-5)
11.40d N dove retd;7d dove olive leaf,7d dove retn;1d1m601y
N surface dry,27d2m cmplet dry(6-14)
12.G:cm,incrs;N altar,sacrfcd;L:nvr again curse
grd,destroy all,as earth endure d/n nvr cease(15-22)
13.G bless N,fill earth;fear of you fall all
beast,bird,creature grd,fish;everything moves food4u(9:1-3)
14.must eat meat w/lifebld;4ur lifebld I demand
acctg from evry animal/human;image G mankind(4-6) fruitfl/mult;covenant u/evry livng creature nvr
again flood destroy earth;rainbow rem,sign(7-16)
16.sons N-Shem,Ham(fr Canaan),Japheth;N plant
vineyard;drunk uncovered inside tent(17-21)
17.Ham saw fr naked told bros;S&J covered fr,faces
turned see;N awoke found youngest done (22-24)
18.Cursed Canaan lowest slaves to bros;praise G of
Shem,Canaan slave Shem(25-26)
19.G extend Japheth’s terr,live tents Shem,Canaan slave
20.after flood N lived 350y,tot 950y,died(28-29)
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
1.God regrets creating mankind and instructs Noah to
build an ark. (6:1-7:10)
Principle: God is
grieved by sin and He will judge it.
2.God sends the flood and gives instruction and covenant
promise after the earth dries (7:11-9:16)
Principle: God
made a way to be saved.
3.Noah’s life after the flood and his death. (9:17-29)
Principle: God
wants no one to perish, but the final judgment is coming.
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
God makes a covenant after the flood destroys corrupt
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, Desire etc.):
TCMATK God has the power and privilege to do what He
desires with His creation and He desires relationship with people. God desires and rewards obedience.
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
heart change):
1.How has God redeemed your regrets and used them to
honor Himself?
2.Where in your life is God being silent and what will
you do to increase your trust in Him while He is?
3.What does your worship look like after God brings you
through a storm and how will you pursue that heart of worship when times are