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Homiletics: Hebrews 4:14-7:28

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

4:14-16 T4 sinc hv HP,J,hld firm2f8th prfess;HP temptd evry wy,sin;apprch G confdnc,rec mrcy,find grace

5:1-3 Evry hp offr gft/scrfc;deal gntly w/ignrnt&go astry sinc he subj2wknss;he offr scrfc4his sins/ppl

4-7 1 tk hnr,calld by G;C tk glry,G:U my Son;U prst4evr Mlchzdk;J offr prayrs,hrd bec revrnt submssn

8-10 lrnd obed frm wht suffrd;once md prfct,bec source salv4all who obey;desgntd by G hp Mlchzdk


11-14 hd2mk clr,try undstd;ought b tchrs;still inf,acqntd tchg rtnss;solid fd4matur,trnd distng gd frm evil

6:1-6 T4 mv2maturty,lay again fndtn;impos4enlghtnd who fall away2b brt bk2rpntnc;they cruc SoG over

7-9 land drink rain,prod crop rec blssg G;land prod thistls=wrthlss,burnd;cnvncd bttr thng ur case,salv

10-12 G unjst;forget wk/lv shown;show dilignc2end;becm lazy,imit8 those who inherit promsd

13-16 Whn G prms Abe,swore by Self;I gv u many desc;aftr waitg patiently,A recd;ppl swear by>selvs

17-18 G wantd mk unchg natur of purpose clear,conf w/oath;G did so we who tk hold hope,encourgd

19-20 we hv hope anchor4soul, firm,secure;entrs inner sanct beh curtn where J entrd;HP4evr Mlchzdk


7:1-2 Mlchzdk kng Salem,prst GMH,met Abe,blessd;Abe gv 1/10;Mlchzdk k o rtness;k o Salem;k o peace

3-6 w/o fr/mr,beg/end,rsmblg SoG,prst4evr;grt,Abe gv10th;law req Levi coll 10th;this man Levi, coll 10th

7-10 lssr blss grtr;1cs10thcoll by ppl die,othr by Him livng;Levi coll10th,pd10ththru Abe;bec L still in A body

11-12 if prfctn attaind thru Lev prsthd,y anothr prst Mlchzdk,Aaron;whn prsthd chg,law chgd

13-17 He dffrnt tribe;L Judah;prst lk Mlchzdk,basis ancestry,basis pwr indestructbl life;prst4evr Mlchzdk

18-21 frmr reg aside bec wk/uselss;bettr hope intro;w/o oath,othr prst w/o oath;w/oath whn G:prst4evr

22-24 bec of oath,J guarantor better cov;now many prst death prevent cont;bec J lv4evr,perm prsthd

25-27a T4 He save those cm2G thru Him,He alwys intercede;such HP meet need; unlk othr hp,need scrfc

27b-28 scrfcd once4all whn offrd Self;law apptd men,oath apptd Son,md prfct4evr


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Jesus is the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek (Heb 4:14-5:10)

Principle:  Jesus is the mediator between His people and His Father forever.

2.Hebrews are told to “move toward maturity” and hope (Heb 5:11-6:20)

Principle: Jesus’ people are called to maturity and to live lives full of hope.

3.Jesus is the new, better covenant Priest, the once-for-all sacrifice and permanent Intercessor (Heb 7:1-28)

Principle: Jesus prays for His people.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Hebrews called to maturity as Jesus’ Melchizedek Priesthood is described.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK Following Jesus, the Great High Priest in the order of Melchizedek, leads to maturity.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.In what ways are you following the model of your great High Priest in how you treat others?

2.How are you using your increased maturity and hope gained over the last year to serve others now?

3.How are you interceding for others?


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