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Homiletics 2 Timothy 2

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                                                                Who?

Son, be strong in grace in C J; thgs u hrd me say entrust to reliable ppl qualified to teach
Join me in suffring like good soldier of CJ, no sold entangled in civ affairs, rather please CO
athlete not rec victor crn excpt compete by rules; Hrd wkg farmer should rec 1st crops
Refl on what I’m saying, L give u insight; Rem JC, raisd frm dead, desc frm Dvd; this gospel
which I suffring to pt being chained like crim but G’s Wd not chained
Theref I endure evrything for sake of elect that they obtain salvation in CJ w/eternal glory
Here trustworthy saying: if we dies w/Him, we live w/Him, if we endure, we reign w/Him
If we disown Him, He disown us; if we faithless, He remains faithful, He can’t disown self
Keep remind G’s ppl these thgs; warn vs quarrel about wds, no value, ruins who listen
Do best present self to G as 1 approved, wrkr not ashamd/correctly handles Word
Avoid godlss chatter, those who indulge bec more ungodly; their teaching lk gangrene
Hymenaeus & Philetus who depart frm truth, say resurr already take pl, destroy faith
G’s foundn firm: L knows His; Everyone who confess name of L must turn frm wickedness
In lg hse articles of gold, silver, wood, clay; some for spec purp/some common use
those who cleanse frm latter for spec purp, useful to Master prep to do good work
Flee evil desires, pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace; don’t have to do w/foolish arg
L’s servant not quarrelsome, kind/able to teach/not resentful
opponents gently instructed in hope G will grant repentance leading to knowl of truth
And cm to senses & escape trap of dvl who has taken them captive to do his will


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

Paul tells Timothy to be strong and victorious
Christians should give their all to serve Christ
Paul’s additional Warnings and Instructions to Timothy
Christians should heed Scripture to live victoriously


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Paul teaches Timothy victorious living using soldier, athlete and farmer.



TCMATK Victorious Christian living is rewarding obedience to Scripture



How might you be strong in the grace that is in Jesus Christ?
What are some of the things you’ve heard or read in Scripture that you have passed on to others?
What are some things you can apply to your Christian life that you’ve learned about soldiers?
What lessons can you learn from an athlete about the Christian life?
What have you learned from the illustration of the farmer that you will apply to your life?
In what way have you suffered for the gospel?  What do you think others have learned from your suffering?  What have you learned from watching the suffering of others?
What do verses 11-13 mean to you?
What are the things Paul instructs Timothy to remind God’s people?  How will you remind other believers these things?
What does it mean to “correctly handle the word of truth”?
What are some examples of godless chatter and how will you avoid it?
How would you refute someone who taught that the resurrection already happened?  How would you restore the faith of those who were discouraged by such teaching?
What encouragement do you receive from verse 19?
How are you being made holy and prepared for good works?
How are you pursuing righteousness, faith, love and peace and how will you encourage others to do the same?
What will you do to avoid foolish and stupid arguments and what will you pursue instead?
What are the qualifications of the Lord’s servant and how will you work to develop these traits in yourself and others?
After reading verses 25-26, how have your thoughts about non-believers changed and how will you gently instruct them?



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