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Homiletics 2 Timothy 1

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                                                                Who?

Paul, apostle of CJ by will of G, in keeping w/promise of life that is in CJ,
To Timothy, my dear son: grace, mercy & peace from G the Father & CJ our Lord.
I thk G whom I serve as ancestors did w/clr conscience as I remem u constantly in prayers
Recalling ur tears, I long 2 see u, so I may be filled w/joy.
I’m reminded of ur sincere faith which 1st lived in gram Lois & ma Eunice & now lives in u
For this reason, I remind you fan into flame gift of G in you thru laying on of my hands.
For Spirit G gave not make us timid, but gives pwr, love & self-discipline.
So don’t be ashamed of testimony about L or me; join me in suffring 4 gospel by pwr of G.
He saved us/called us to holy life – not bec anythg we done but bec of His purpose/grace
This grace was given us in CJ before beginning of time
now reveal thru Savior who destroy death/brought life/immortality 2 lite thru gospel.
Of this gospel I appointed herald, apostle, teacher; That why I suffering as I am
this no cause 4 shame: I know who I believd/convincd he able guard what I entrustd him
What u heard frm me keep as pattern of sound teaching w/faith & love in CJ.
Guard good deposit entrusted to u w/help of HS who lives in us.
U know everyone in Asia deserted me, incl Phygelus and Hermogenes.
May L show mercy to hsehld of Onesiphorus, he oftn refrshd me/not ashamd of my chains
On contrary, when he in Rome, he searched hard until he found me.
May L grant he find mercy from L on that day; u know how he help me in Ephesus.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

Paul’s Greetings to and Remembrances of Timothy
Christians should be Thankful
Paul’s Instructions for Timothy
Christians should Testify about Christ
Paul’s Deserters and Helpers
Christians should be Loyal


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Paul writes Timothy another letter encouraging him in Christian life.



TCMATK Christians should be deliberate in their behavior and protect their character  to glorify Jesus.



If you were to write a letter to your spiritual child, how would you address them?  What do you remember about them?
How would you like your spiritual mentor to remember you?
What are you thankful for regarding how you came to faith?
How will you express your thankfulness to God and to people for your salvation and ministry?
What are your spiritual gifts and how might you fan them into flame?
How might you encourage someone else to fan their gifts into flame?
In what way have you experienced the power, love and self-discipline of the Holy Spirit in your life?
What will you do to keep from being ashamed of the testimony about Christ?
How are you suffering for the gospel?  How have you seen the power of God manifest in your suffering?  What is your response to your suffering?  How might you encourage another Christian who is suffering?
What does it mean to you that God gave you grace in Jesus Christ before the beginning of time?
What does it mean to you that Jesus Christ has destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel?
What is your responsibility to the gospel and how might you improve how you’re carrying out that responsibility?
What have you entrusted to Christ that you have faith He will protect?
What is the good deposit we are supposed to guard that is entrusted to us?  Where else in Scripture do you find instruction on how to guard that deposit?  How might the Holy Spirit help us guard it?
When have you been deserted?  How did being deserted make you feel?
Who has refreshed you in your faith and life and how will you pray for them?
How will you exert great effort to minister to someone this week?



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