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Homiletics Matthew 9:1-34

written 12 November 2013

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                His own city       Who? Jesus, disciples, etc.

He entered ship, came to own city, they brought man sick of palsy, Jesus seeing faith said: thy sins forgiven, scribes said: blasphemeth.
Jesus knowing thoughts said: wherefore think evil in your hearts, easier to say forgiven or arise and walk, that ye know Son of man hath power to forgive: Arise, take bed, go thine house.
He arose/departed, multitudes saw/marveled/glorified God.
J saw Matthew at custom: follow me; he arose/followed; J at meat in house, publicans/sinners sat w/him & disciples.
Pharisees said unto disciples: why eateth Master with publicans/sinners; J heard/said: whole need not physician, but sick; not come to call righteous but sinners to repentance.
Disciples of John: why we/Pharisees fast, thy disciples fast not; J said: can children mourn while bridegroom with them, days will come when bridegroom taken and they fast.
No new cloth unto old garment – rent made worse; no new wine in old bottles – bottles break/wine runneth out/bottled perish; new wine-new bottles, both preserved.
Certain ruler worshipped, saying: Daughter dead-you lay thy hand on her, she live; J arose/followed, so did disciples; woman, issue of blood, 12 yrs, touched garment: if I touch, I be whole.
J turned/saw: thy faith made thee whole; came into ruler’s house: maid not dead, sleepeth; went in, took hand, maid rose; fame went into all land.
J departed; 2 blind men followed, saying: Son of David, mercy; J: believe ye I am able, they said: yea, Lord; touched eyes: according to faith be it unto you, eyes opened; J: see no man know; but they spread fame.
They brought dumb man possessed w/devil, devil cast out, dumb spake, multitudes marveled, Pharisees said: He casteth out devils through prince of devils.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

Jesus brought man sick of palsy, seeing faith said: thy sins forgiven, scribes said: blasphemeth; knowing thoughts: easier to say forgiven or arise and walk, that ye know Son of man hath power to forgive: Arise, take bed, go thine house; He departed, multitudes saw/marveled/glorified God.
Jesus responds to our faith, knows our thoughts and has the power to forgive sins.
Jesus saw Matthew: follow me, at meat, publicans/sinners sat with Jesus and disciples, Pharisees said unto disciples: why eateth Master with publicans/sinners; Jesus heard/said: not come to call righteous but sinners to repentance; Disciples of John: why we/Pharisees fast, thy disciples not; Jesus said: days will come when bridegroom taken and they fast; No new cloth unto old garment – rent made worse; no new wine in old bottles – bottles break/wine runneth out; new wine-new bottles, both preserved.
Jesus calls unlikely people to follow Him and calls sinners to repent: this is the new way.
Ruler worshipped, Daughter dead-you lay hand on her, she live, Jesus followed, woman, issue of blood, 12 yrs, touched garment: if I touch, I be whole: thy faith made thee whole; ruler’s house: maid not dead, sleepeth; went in, took hand, maid rose; fame went into all land; 2 blind men followed, saying: Son of David, mercy; Jesus touched eyes: according to faith be it unto you, eyes opened, they spread fame; dumb man possessed w/devil, devil cast out, dumb spake, multitudes marveled, Pharisees said: He casteth out devils through prince of devils.
Jesus isn’t irritated by interruptions.
Our faith makes us whole.
Jesus has the power to heal disease, raise the dead, restore sight to the blind and cast out dumb demons.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Jesus responds to faith and thoughts, bringing healing and restoration.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMATK the power of Christ to know every thought, heal any disease, forgive every sin, call sinners to repentance, raise the dead, restore sight and cast out demons without becoming irritated at being interrupted.



How has Jesus responded to your demonstrations of faith toward Him?
Describe your encounter with Jesus where He invited you to follow Him.
How does Christ’s references to new cloth and old garment and new wine and old bottles relate to the ministry He was engaged in?
How has your faith made you whole?
In what way has Jesus touched your life and healed it?



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