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Homiletics Matthew 2

written 17 September 2013

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?  Bethlehem, Egypt, Nazareth    Who?  Jesus, Herod, wise men, Mary, Joseph

Mt 2:1-2
When Jesus born in Bethlehem in days of Herod the king, came wise men from the east saying, Where is he born King of Jews, we have seen his star and come to worship
Mt 2:3
Herod heard and was troubled and Jerusalem with him
Mt 2:4-6
He gathered chief priests and scribes, he demanded of them where Christ born and they said Bethlehem; thus is written by prophet:  Bethlehem in Juda, out of thee shall come Governor, shall rule my people Israel
Mt 2:7-8
Herod privily called wise men, enquired diligently what time star appeared and he sent them to Bethlehem, said Go search diligently for child, when ye have found him, bring me word that I may worship also
Mt 2:9-10
When they heard the king, they departed and the star went before them till it stood over where the child was; when they saw the star, they rejoiced
Mt 2:11
When they come into the house, they saw the child with Mary, fell down and worshiped him; when they opened their treasures, they presented him gifts; gold, frankincense and myrrh
Mt 2:12-13
Being warned not to return to Herod, they departed another way; and when they departed, angel appeared to Joseph saying, take child and his mother and flee to Egypt for Herod will seek to destroy him
Mt 2:14-15
When he arose, he took child and his mother and departed into Egypt and was there until death of Herod that it might be fulfilled:  Out of Egypt have I called my son
Mt 2:16-18
Herod saw he was mocked of wise men and slew all children in Bethlehem and the coasts, from two years old and under according to the time he enquired of the wise men; then was fulfilled that spoken by prophet Jeremy: In Rama, a voice heard, great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted
Mt 2:19-21
When Herod was dead, angel appeareth in dream to Joseph saying, Arise, take child and his mother and go to Israel for they are dead which sought child’s life, and he arose, took child and his mother and came into Israel
Mt 2:22-23
When he heard Archelaus did reign, he was afraid, being warned of God, he turned into Galilee and dwelt in Nazareth that it might be fulfilled:  He shall be called a Nazarene


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

Mt 2:1-10
When Jesus born, wise men from east come to worship, Herod heard and was troubled, He gathered chief priests and scribes, demanded of them where Christ born and they said Bethlehem; Herod called wise men, enquired what time star appeared and sent them to Bethlehem, said Go search diligently for child, when ye have found him, bring me word that I may worship also; When they heard the king, they departed and star went before them till it stood over where child was; when they saw the star, they rejoiced;
Scripture is factual.
The star led the wise men to Jesus.
Mt 2:11-15
When they come, they saw child with Mary, fell down and worshiped him; presented him gifts; gold, frankincense and myrrh; Being warned not to return to Herod, they departed another way; when they departed, angel appeared to Joseph saying, take child and his mother and flee to Egypt for Herod will seek to destroy him; When he arose, he took child and his mother and departed into Egypt and was there until death of Herod that it might be fulfilled:  Out of Egypt have I called my son
Jesus is worshiped by wise men.
Wise men give Jesus gifts.
Angels warn and protect God’s people.
God’s people obey Him.
God’s plan fulfills prophecy.
Mt 2:16-18
Herod saw he was mocked and slew all children in Bethlehem and the coasts, from two years old and under; then was fulfilled: In Rama, a voice heard, great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted
Men can do great wrong when they are troubled.
Not all prophecy is positive.
Mt 2:19-23
When Herod was dead, angel appeareth in dream to Joseph saying, Arise, take child and his mother and go to Israel, and he arose, took child and his mother and came into Israel; When he heard Archelaus did reign, he was afraid, being warned of God, he turned into Galilee and dwelt in Nazareth that it might be fulfilled:  He shall be called a Nazarene
Angels instruct.
God’s people obey Him and allow their paths to be diverted.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Wise men worship, Herod murders and Joseph’s family travels obediently.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMAT see that our response to God’s instruction and direction should be immediate, and that we should remain open to Him and flexible to change our path/direction based on His leading.



What would motivate the wise men to seek Herod to learn where the King of the Jews was born?
Why would Herod fear the birth of the King of the Jews?
What gifts have you presented to Jesus lately?
What are some other prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus?
(Take some time to talk with God about mistakes you’ve made when you’ve been troubled or afraid.  Don’t leave Jesus’ presence until you’ve accepted His forgiveness)
How immediate is your response to God’s direction?
Under what circumstances have you been warned by God?
When have you feared a path that God had you on only to have God divert you from that path?



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