Before I really got into pulling principles out of today’s scripture, one of those anticipated “life holes” presented itself for patching. A pleasant two-hour conversation was the result. And, although a two-hour conversation doesn’t restore a relationship, it is a start. My homework is to initiate another conversation in the future.
The Hole Under the Door. Revelation 3:15-20. Jesus wants us to be on fire for Him, but this scripture says that He would prefer us to be frigid instead of indifferent. I recognize that I take Him for granted sometimes and treat Him with indifference. I pray, Lord, that You would re-ignite my passion for Jesus. I ask that You would make my heart race when I think of Him. That my breath would quicken when I approach the time I spend with Him. That I would relish that time and not want it to end. That I would neglect other things to be with Him like watching television and reading novels.
The Hole Under the Door. Revelation 3:15-20. Jesus wants us to be on fire for Him, but this scripture says that He would prefer us to be frigid instead of indifferent. I recognize that I take Him for granted sometimes and treat Him with indifference. I pray, Lord, that You would re-ignite my passion for Jesus. I ask that You would make my heart race when I think of Him. That my breath would quicken when I approach the time I spend with Him. That I would relish that time and not want it to end. That I would neglect other things to be with Him like watching television and reading novels.