You never know when I might play a wild card on you!
Today's Wild Card author is:
and the book:
Touchstone; 1 edition (May 11, 2010)

Boyd Morrison is an industrial engineer with ten U.S. patents to his name who has worked for prestigious companies ranging from NASA to Microsoft's X-BOX Games Group and RCA Electronics. He is also a "Jeopardy!" champion and a professional actor who has appeared in commercials, stage plays, and films.
Visit the author's website.
Product Details:
List Price: $24.99
Hardcover: 420 pages
Publisher: Touchstone; 1 edition (May 11, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1439181799
ISBN-13: 978-1439181799
Here is my review of this suspenseful read:
First of all, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Boyd Morrison and his publisher for sending me a copy of "The Ark" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me.
“The Ark” by Boyd Morrison is a thinking man’s tale of mystery and suspense. This book is an exciting roller-coaster ride that grips the reader from the first few moments of the Prologue. It takes you on an incredible journey of nearly non-stop action that makes “The Ark” difficult to put down. This novel reminded me a bit of “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” – the archaeologist being coerced into pursuing her father’s quest…the difference being that Indy chased the Holy Grail AND his father , Dilara Kenner merely chased the artifact.
“The Ark” was a truly enjoyable suspense read. The only thing I didn’t care much for was how the origin of the ark itself was changed from how the Biblical account reads. Other than that, this book has a multi-layered plot and gritty characters that make it a worthwhile way to spend a weekend.