Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
1.any1 enter by gate is thief/robber;1 who enters
by gate is shepherd(1-2)
2.gatekeeper opens gate,sheep listen voice;he goes ahead,
his sheep follow bec know voice(3-4)
3.never follow stranger,run away;Phar undstd;J:I
gate for sheep(5-7)
4.all before me thieves/robbers,sheep listened;I
gate, whoever enters thru me saved(8-9)
5.thief comes kill, steal, destroy,I come they have
life;I good shepherd lays dn life for sheep(10-11)
6.hired hand own sheep,sees wolf,abandons;man runs
bec cares nothing for sheep(12-13)
7.I good shepherd,know sheep and sheep know meljust as Fr
knows me,I know Fr(14-15)
8.I have other sheep not this pen,one flock one
shepherd;reason Fr loves me I lay dn life(16-17)
9.no1 takes it,I have authority lay dn/tk up,cmd rec’d
from Fr;Jews divided(18-19)
10.many said he demon-possessed;others:sayings of
man possesd,can demon open eyes of blind(20-21)
11.then Festival of Dedication @Jerus, winter;Jesus
temple walking Solomon’s Colonnade(22-23)
12.Jews gathered:if u Messiah, tell us;J:I did, u believe,
works testify;u believe bec you my sheep(24-26) sheep listen/follow;I give EL,they never perish,no1
snatch out my hand(27-28)
14.Fr greater no1 snatch out Fr’s hand;I&Fr
one;Jewish opponents picked up stones(29-31)
15.J:I shown good works,for which u stone me?;stoning
u for good work,but blasphemy(32-33)
16.J:it not written Law “I said you gods”;if he called
them gods,Scr cannot be set aside(34-35)
17.what@1 Fr set apart/sent into world,why u accuse me
blasphemy;believe me unless do wks Fr(36-37)
18.if I do,believe wks u know/undstd Fr in me,I in Fr;again
they tried seize,he escaped(38-39)
19.J went bk across Jordan, stayed;many came:all John
said about this man true(40-41) that place many believed(42)
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
Division – a truth about God, a truth about man, a truth about God’s
relationship to man; a sin to avoid,
promise to trust, example to follow, command to obey, truth to believe):
1.Jesus is the gate and the good shepherd (John 10:1-21)
Principle: Jesus
lays down His life for His sheep.
2.Jesus’ works testify he and the Father are one (John
Principle: Jesus’
sheep know His voice and follow Him.
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Jesus is the gate, good shepherd, one with the Father.
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, Learn, Understand, etc.):
TCMATK Jesus, the Good Shepherd, leads His sheep to His
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
heart change):
1.How has Jesus changed your heart to better recognize
and respond to His voice?
2.How are Jesus’ good works evidenced in your life?
The Big Idea (author’s
main purpose in writing; the one thing all the other things in the passage is
about; if you couldn’t talk about it, you would still understand the passage is
trying to convey this):
#gate #shepherd #sheep #voice #works #believe