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Are you willing to suffer for someone else to know Jesus?

In our study this week of the book of Habakkuk, we saw the prophet Habakkuk questioning God, receiving God’s answer, and praying to God, declaring that, despite the lack of blessings, he would continue to rejoice in God.  We saw God give Habakkuk an unconventional, even undesirable, answer to his question.  God was going to do a new thing.  God told Habakkuk to watch and be utterly amazed.  God was about to do something he would not believe!  Then the Lord declared that He was going to raise up Judah’s enemy, the Babylonians…

God was going to use the Babylonians to discipline His people for their sins for 70 years.  God was going to use the Babylonians to call His people back to Himself.  God was going to use the Babylonians to fulfill the prophecies His people ignored.

Habakkuk questioned this, but ultimately he declared his faith in God despite exile, despite fig trees without buds, despite bare grapevines, despite failed olive crops, despite empty fields, despite no sheep and no cattle.

How is Habakkuk’s account personal to you?  Where are you questioning God?  How is God answering?  What is your prayer life like?  Can you, like Habakkuk, declare to Jesus that, despite the lack of blessings, you will continue to rejoice in Him?

God’s ways are not our ways.  We desire comfort.  He desires to develop Christlike character in His people.  We want to avoid suffering.  God uses suffering to refine us.  When have you had to remind yourself that God is sovereign?  That He has the right to do whatever He wishes because of that sovereignty?  That His view of your situation is way better than yours, so He knows best what to do?  That He has never failed you if you really think about it?  That His plans are to prosper you and not harm you?  That He would never hurt you?  That whatever He is allowing is for your good and His glory?

Where is God “utterly amazing” you?  What new thing is He doing in your life?  What unconventional people and situations is He using to transform your heart, and educate you in Christian character and conduct?

Are you questioning God like Habakkuk did?  Do you realize that, by continuing to question, by continuing to pray, by continuing to seek out answers in the Scriptures, you are actually deepening your relationship with God?

How is He answering your questions?  Do you realize that He is using the circumstances of today to prepare you for a situation that is coming in the future?  That you are growing your faith as you cling to Him and cry out to Him.  Do you realize that, in the midst of this pain, He is right there in it with you?

Where is God revealing glimpses of blessing?  What promises is He reminding you of to keep you pursuing His while you wait for His deliverance?  How might this situation be pointing to a call of God upon your life?  How might walking through this season be an example to someone else?  A witness to your kids or grandkids?  Are you willing to suffer a bit to see someone else come to saving knowledge of Christ?

If this idea helps you, consider sharing this post with someone you know who might also benefit from it.


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