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Some Thoughts on Micah

In the prophetic book of Micah, we see the Lord’s judgment pronounced on the people for Jacob’s transgression and the sins of Israel.  What is that transgression?  Idolatry.  Idolatry is a huge sin!  It is defined as anything that takes the place that belongs to God in every life.  This sin absolutely deserves judgment.  And in this book, that judgment looks like exile from the Promised Land.  In fact, today, if you really take the time to analyze it, idolatry still displaces God from His rightful place, and distances us from Him!  And engaging in that sin deserves the judgment of expulsion from God’s presence.  But in the book of Micah, judgment shares the stage with hope.  Not only do we see the punishment idolatry deserves, but we are also blessed to see God’s mercy, grace, love, redemption and shepherding of His people.

In these chapters of Scripture, God’s Judgment and Redemption are put on vibrant display.  These two concepts may seem like they are on opposite ends of the spectrum, but in the times we’re living right now, God’s impending Judgment and the temporal discipline He is exercising should be pushing every man, woman, and child straight into the arms of Jesus, who died to save everyone who would ever be born.  The discipline we receive right now will be totally worth it if it rescues us from eternal separation from God!  That said, have you given your heart to Jesus?  If not, why not?

Do you have any idea how much God loves you?  Do you realize He sent His Son to earth to die for you?  Yes, you.  Do you have any idea how painful and humiliating the punishment Jesus received and the crucifixion He endured was?  He willingly endured that for you.  So your relationship with God could be restored.  Jesus is the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Him!  There is no other way!  He is the spotless Lamb that was sacrificed for the sin of the world.  The whole world.

Where are you feeling God’s discipline in your life?  Can you see how that discipline is drawing you to Him, not pushing you away?  If you feel like you’re being pushed, why is that?  Take a moment to consider that God might be using this circumstance to get you to cry out to Him, to lean on Him.

Please understand that the trials we experience now are nothing compared to what is coming for those who are not beneath the protective umbrella of Christ’s salvation.  A permanent judgment is coming.  A permanent expulsion from God’s presence.  The prophecy we see in Micah’s book may have pushed the people out of the land, but that punishment was designed to draw the people back to God.  Now is the time to return to God through His Son, Jesus Christ.  There is no time to waste.  We don’t know how much time we have before the end comes.  There will come a time when there will be no time to change your mind.  Accept Jesus as your personal Savior now.

What idols have you allowed to sit on the throne of your heart?

Have you allowed circumstances and heartache get in the way of your relationship with Jesus?

What has wedged itself between you and God, and how will you release that to Him to restore that relationship?

In what ways has the Lord’s discipline drawn you into more intimate relationship with Jesus?

Where is your witness looking too much like the world?

What might you change in your attitude to be a more joyful witness for Christ?

How will you pray and share the redemption of the Lord so He may draw others to Himself?

How will you re-frame your thinking and your prayers to ask God for strength to endure rather than comfort?


After reading this, if you would like to accept Jesus as your personal Savior, please pray with me:


Heavenly Father, I realize that I am a sinner in need of a Savior.  I recognize that Jesus is that Savior.  That He died for my sins.  That He rose from the grave, conquering death.  I invite Jesus to reign on the throne of my heart. I thank you for hearing my prayer and adopting me into your family.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.


If you prayed that prayer, tell a Christian friend or find a Pastor in a Bible preaching church and tell him so you can begin a path of discipleship and walking with Jesus as your Savior.  Welcome to the family!


If this idea helps you, consider sharing this post with someone you know who might also benefit from it.


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