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Homiletics: Micah

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1.wd L>Micah;listen, L;coming;mts melt,valleys split;bec Jacob’s transgression/sins Is(Mic 1:1-5)

2.I mk Samaria rubble;her idols broken;I weep,howl,moan:sam plague incurable(Mic 1:6-10)

3.pass in shame;Maroth writhe pain, waiting relief,disaster from L;I bring conqueror(Mic 1:11-16)

4.woe those plan iniquity;covet fields,seize houses;L:I planning disaster;ppl taunt(Mic 2:1-4) one divide land;does L bec impatient;ppl risen lk enemy;go away;I gather you Jacob(Mic 2:5-13)

6.Listen ldrs Jacob;you hate good, love evil;they cry out, L ans,hide face(Mic 3:1-4)

7.proph who lead astray;sun set for proph;I filled power,Spirit L;hear this(Mic 3:5-12)


8.In last days L tmpl established;nations come,law go out;He judge disputes;we walk name L(Mic 4:1-5)

9.L:I gather lame;mk lame remnant,L rule in mt Zion;L redeem you(Mic 4:6-10)

10.many nations gathered v you(Mic 4:11-13)

11.Marshal troops,siege laid;Bethlhem Eph small,out u cm ruler Is;He shepherd;be our peace(Mic 5:1-6)

12.remnant Jacob;among nations;your hand triumph over enemies, foes destroyed(Mic 5:7-9)

13.In that day,I destroy horses,chariots;cities,strongholds;witchcraft,idols;I tk vengeance(Mic 5:10-15)

14.Listen,plead case;hear mts L’s accusation v His ppl;brt u out Egypt;sent Moses,Aaron,Mir(Mic 6:1-5)

15.w/what shall I cm b4 L;pleased w/rams/oil?act justly,lv mercy,wlk hmbly w/G(Mic 6:6-11)

16.I begun destroy u bec sins;u eat,satisfied;u plant,harvest;u observed statutes Omri(Mic 6:12-16)

17.misery mine;faithful swept from land;both hands skilled evil;enemies members own hshld(Mic 7:1-6)

18.I hope,wait for Savior;I have fallen/will rise;I sinned,will bear L’s wrath(Mic 7:7-10) become desolate bec inhabitants deeds;shepherd ppl;nations ashamed;fear L(Mic 7:11-17)

20.who G like u,pardons,forgives;compassion,hurl iniquities sea;You faithful to Jacob(Mic 7:18-20)


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division – a truth about God, a truth about man, a truth about God’s relationship to man; a sin to avoid, promise to trust, example to follow, command to obey, truth to believe):

1.The Word of the Lord came to Micah concerning Samaria and Jerusalem, promises exile and disaster (Micah 1-3)

Principle:  The Lord will discipline to draw people to Himself.

2.In the Last Days, the Lord will gather and redeem, destroy and take vengeance, visit and shepherd (Micah 4-7)

Principle:  The Lord has provided redemption to draw all people to Himself.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

The Lord to Micah: exile and Day of the Lord.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, Learn, Understand, etc.):

TCMATK God will use any means to draw all people to Himself before the final judgment comes.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.How has the Lord’s discipline drawn you into intimate relationship with Jesus?

2.How will you pray and share the redemption of the Lord so He may draw others to Himself?


The Big Idea (author’s main purpose in writing; the one thing all the other things in the passage is about; if you couldn’t talk about it, you would still understand the passage is trying to convey this):



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