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A Valentine's Day Message of Salvation and Rescue

In Isaiah 40-48, we see some incredible images that mirror very familiar New Testament passages.  Addressed to Judah and Judah’s descendants, these passages speak some beautiful encouragement to God’s people.  Could you use some encouragement today?  God repeatedly tells Judah not to be afraid.  He also tells them, “I will rescue you.”  Those messages are just as valid today for the believing disciples of Jesus Christ as they were back in the time of Isaiah.

He created you.  He formed you.  He redeemed you.  He called you.  You are His!  He is with you.  He wants to be your Lord and Savior.  You are precious in His sight.  You are honored and He loves you.  He wants to walk with you so you do not fear.  He has ransomed you.  He has invested in you.  You are His treasure!

Salvation is the Big Idea of these chapters of Scripture.  Rescue is another way of thinking of it.  But how do we access that salvation?  How do we come to be rescued?  Scripture makes one thing very clear.  Apart from Jesus Christ, there is no Savior.  In the Gospel of John, Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)  Salvation is for everyone.  But Jesus is the only way to the Father.  He is the only way of salvation.  He is our only hope of rescue.

Is there something holding you back from grasping the free gift of salvation that Jesus offers?  What is it?  Bring it to God.  Bring it to a trusted Christian friend or a Bible preaching pastor or teacher.  Leave a comment here.  Work through that thing to get to the Truth.  Why?  Because fearlessness and rescue are possible for every person, but they are the living reality of the believing disciple of Christ.  Even if you are suffering the consequences of acts committed in your past, this is possible for you.  It won’t necessarily remove the consequences, but salvation can bring a freedom like you’ve never experienced before.

Isaiah was preaching to a people who were about to suffer the consequences of turning away from God and toward idols.  They were about to be captured by the Babylonians and taken into captivity.  But God also gave them the promise of being released from that captivity to return home.  One day, those of us who believe in Christ for salvation will enter our heavenly home, too.  In the meantime, we will serve Him here on earth.

Are you joyfully serving Him?  If not, why not?  I recently answered a journaling prompt that asked, “What has surprised you, in a good way?”  Frankly, my answer surprised me.  I wrote, ”I have been surprised in a good way by how painful circumstances can develop me as a person and as a leader.  I am surprised by how putting myself outside of my comfort zone can honor and glorify God in ways I absolutely cannot do under my own power.”  Are you discouraged because you’ve been serving God in your own power?  Are you willing to take a step outside of your comfort zone where God is calling you to experience His equipping and power?

God has a call on every life.  God is sovereign over every life.  God has a plan that will come to fruition.  If you refuse to do your part, He will find someone else.

So, what are you afraid of?  How might you turn those fears over to the Sovereign Lord right now?  Where are you allowing the past to keep you from stepping out in faith and walking in bold victory in Christ?  In what way are you trusting the Sovereign Lord Jesus to rescue you or others?  Are you pursuing Him in prayer and trusting Him to do the rest in His perfect timing?  Do you struggle to wait on the Lord’s timing?  How has the Holy Spirit manifested the fruit of patience in you?  How might you encourage someone else who is fearful or needs rescue?  How might your story about your encounter with Jesus help?

Have a blessed Valentine's Day!

If this idea helps you, consider sharing this post with someone you know who might also benefit from it.


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