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Homiletics Genesis 41-42


Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1.2y passed Phar dream;7 cows sleek fat;after 7 cows ugly gaunt;gaunt ate fat,Phar woke(41:1-4)

2.2nd dream 7 grain healthy good;after 7 grain thin scorched;thin heads swallowed healthy(5-7)

3.troubled, magicians, no one interpret; chief CB reminded shortcomings; Phar impris me/bkr(8-10)

4.Each had dream;Hebrew interpr;turned out as interp;Phar sent for Jos;dream,heard you interp(11-15)

5.I cannot,G will;Phar:7 cows fat sleek;after 7 scrawny;ugly cows ate fat;just as ugly(16-21)

6.7 grain full good;after 7 withered;thin heads swallowed good;Jos:dreams same,G revealed(22-25)

7.7 good cows=7y,7 good heads=7y;7 lean cows=7y,7 worthless heads=7y famine;G shown Phar(26-28)

8.7y grt abundance cming;7y famine follow;abund remem,famine severe;matter firmly decided(29-32)


9.wise man in charge;take 1/5 harvest;store up;used during famine;plan good Phar/officials(33-37)

10.anyone lk this man, soG;no one wise as you;you in charge palace,ppl;Egypt;signet,robes,chain(38-42)

11.2nd in comm;gave name Zaphenath-Paneah, gave Asenath wife;Jos 30 entered service(43-46)

12.7y abund;Jos coll food;huge quantities;before famine 2 sons;Manasseh;Ephraim;7y abund end(47-53)

13.famine began;ppl cried food;Jos sold grain Egyptians;world came buy grain(54-57)


14.Jacob learned grain Egypt;go there buy some;10 bros went Egypt;did not send Ben(42:1-4)

15.Israel’s sons went buy grain;Jos bros bowed;Jos recognized,pretended stranger, spoke harshly(5-7)

16.they not recognize him;he remem dreams,you spies;no,come buy food;honest men not spies(8-12)

17.12 bros, youngest w/fr, 1 no more;you spies;you leave unless youngest comes;send 1 get bro(13-16)

18.put all custody 3d;3rd d;1 bro stay;bring youngest;we punished bec bro;Reub:didn’t I tell you(17-22)

19.realize Jos undstd;he weep,Simeon taken;Jos ordered fill bags grain,silver;loaded donkeys,left(23-26)

20.saw Ag;hearts sank;Jacob told;spying;lv 1;bring youngest;Ag frightnd:Reub:I bring bk;son go(27-38)


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division – a truth about God, a truth about man, a truth about God’s relationship to man):

1.Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dream (Gen 41:1-32)

Principle:  God gives gifts and abilities to put people where He wants them.

2.Joseph in Charge of Egypt (Gen 41:33-57)

Principle:  God is sovereign over every person He places in authority.

3.Joseph’s Brothers Buy Grain in Egypt and Simeon is Left Behind (Gen 42:1-38)

Principle:  God’s plan is to prosper, not harm, to give hope and a future.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream, serves Egypt and sells brothers grain.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, Learn, Understand, etc.):

TCMATK God places every person in every position of authority for His glory and purpose.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.How has your faith grown as you’ve waited for God’s plan to be realized in your life?

2.How does knowing God is sovereign over every authority help you trust His plan (and the state of the world right now)?

3.How does knowing God’s plans are to prosper His people help you to endure painful or frightening circumstances?


The Big Idea (author’s main purpose in writing; the one thing all the other things in the passage is about; if you couldn’t talk about it, you would still understand the passage is trying to convey this):

God raises (His) people up to fulfill His plan.


Marissa Elvin said…
What a wonderful verse! It really helps me motivated

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Christopher Gates said…
Thank you for the words and advises!

Linda Miles said…
a must read thanks for sharing!

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William Wanes said…
This verses literally saves my day everyday

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Randy Owers said…
Very sad and very motivated! thank you

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Jihad Marie said…
Thanks for every time i need this word, im stop by this blog

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Linda Miles said…
I just want to say THANKYOU!

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Subbu Merengie said…
This is so cute and nice. i really love it!

Pal Marva said…
Thank you for the word! i will reflect from that!

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Andrew foys said…

Very motivational words! keep sharing

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Julius Steve said…
Thank you for the motivation from this word!

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