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Homiletics: Acts15:1-35

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

15:1-2 certn ppl cm frm Judea2Ant tchg belvrs:unless circmcsd,saved;P&B apptd go Jerus2c apost abt qu

3 trvld thru Phoenicia&Samaria,told abt how Gents convrt,belvrs glad

4-6 Jerus,wlcmd,rptd what G done;som Phar:Gents must circmcsd,kp law;apostls/eldrs met2considr qu

7-9 aftr disc,P:G md choix Gents hr Gospl;G showd accpt by gv HS;He discrmn8,purifd theirs by faith

10-11 yu try test G by puttg yoke Gents we/ancstrs bear;thru grace LJ we/they saved


12-14 assy silnt/listnd B&P tell signs/wndrs G dn amng Gents;when fin, Jas spk:Simn desc G choix Gents

15-18 proph agree:I retn rebld D tent,restr that rest manknd seek L;even Gents do things known lng ago

19-20 my jdgmt we mk difficult4Gents;should write2abstain food idols,sex imm,meat strangled,blood

21 4lawMoses preachd evry city frm earliest times, is read syngogs evry Sabb


22 apost/eldrs/chrch choose men send Antioch w/P&B,Judas(Barsabbas),Silas,leaders among belvrs

23-24 sent ltr:apostl/eldrs,ur bros2Gent belvrs Antioch,Syria,Cilicia:Greetings;sm w/o authrztn distrbd u

25-27 we choose men send w/B&P-risked lives4name JC;sendg Judas,Silas confirm what we writing

28-29a seemd good2HS&us burden u w/anythg but:abstain food idols,blood,mt strangled ani,sex imm

29b u do well avoid these things,farewell


30-31 men sent Antioch,gathrd chrch,deilvrd letter;ppl read,were glad4encouraging msg

32 Judas&Silas,themslvs proph,said much 2encourage/strengthen belivers

33 aftr spendg mch time,sent by believers w/ peace retn to those who sent them

34 (But Silas decided to remain there)

35 P&B remained Antioch, they&many others taught & preachd word of L



Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Peter speaks against teaching that believers must be circumcised and follow the law of Moses to be saved. (15:1-11)

Principle:  Salvation is found in Christ alone.

2.Barnabas and Paul tell of God’s wonders among the Gentiles and James decides they should write the Gentiles to abstain from foods presented to idols, sexual immorality, meat of strangled animals and blood. (15:12-21)

Principle:  Believers share God’s praises, encourage each other and counsel each other to live rightly.

3.Judas and Silas went with Paul and Barnabas to Antioch to present the letter written by the Jerusalem Council. (15:22-29)

Principle:  Believers share the work of ministry with other believers.

4.The letter encouraged the church at Antioch, Judas and Silas encouraged and strengthened the believers, Paul and Barnabas and many others taught and preached God’s word. (15:30-35)

Principle:  As God’s word is shared, people come to believe and become teachers themselves.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Believers’ circumcision debate leads Jerusalem Council to write Antioch church.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):



Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.In what areas are you placing more conditions than simply God’s grace upon you or others?

2.Where do you go to receive clarification, counsel and encouragement?  If you don’t have a “council”, yet, what sorts of qualities will you look for in the people you choose to participate in that group?

3.How are you representing Jesus and His word to others?

4.Who can you encourage today who might be a teacher tomorrow?


Rhoger said…
it is so good reading this kind of message
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Levionna said…
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